(a) Creation, Membership and Terms. The Chillicothe Downtown Development Commission shall consist of twelve members. All members shall be appointed by the Mayor and conformed by City Council. The following appointed members shall serve an initial term of two years: one member of City Council; one Ross County Commissioner or designee of the Ross County Commissioners; the President or a member of the Executive Committee of the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce, the Director of the Community Improvement Corporation of Greater Chillicothe (CIC), the chairman of the Design Review Board or his designee; one individual with experience in historic preservation, and the Dean of Ohio University-Chillicothe or his designee. The remaining appointed members, to include at least three members engaged as business people in Downtown, shall serve an initial term of four years. Thereafter, each member shall serve a term of four years. A member may represent more than one required role. A member of the CDDC may be removed for missing four consecutive meetings, for non-performance of duty, misconduct in office, or other cause. Members shall not receive compensation for Commission service.
(b) Rules of Procedure. The Chillicothe Downtown Development Commission shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary on annual basis. The CDDC shall adopt rules of procedure (bylaws) providing for regular and special meetings. A majority of the appointed members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business and a motion can only pass when approved by a majority of those present. All CDDC meetings shall be open to the public. A record of proceedings, including attendance, shall be maintained, available for inspection. Notice of all regular, special and rescheduled CDDC meetings shall be published in the local newspaper and promulgated by such other means as may be identified in the bylaws.
(c) Duties. The duties of the CDDC shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) To establish a work plan providing for the development of:
A. A Downtown plan.
B. Proposed Zoning Code revisions and other ordinance revisions necessary to implement a Downtown plan, including establishing functions of the Downtown Commission such as, but not limited to, design review, issuance of certificates of appropriateness for construction, demolition, landscaping and alterations; issuance of permits for Downtown events; and promotion and coordination of Downtown development initiatives.
(2) To consult with the Mayor and City Council for supporting the work of the CDDC.
(3) To plan a program of public communication and hearings to explain the purposes of the CDDC and invite public input into the work of the CDDC.
(4) To identify and establish relationships with individuals and entities, such as public, private and non-profit organizations and professional consultants that can assist the CDDC in accomplishing its purposes.
(5) To provide meeting minutes to the Clerk of Council for distribution to the City Council.
(Ord. 55-19. Passed 6-24-19.)