1168.03 FUNCTIONS.
   (a)   Building community consensus and develop design guidelines to guide new construction, renovation, parking, and streetscape design within the Downtown District.
   (b)   Coordinate with and assist the Design Review Board, the Chillicothe Planning Commission, Chillicothe Tree Commission, and other established boards and commissions whose jurisdiction includes or falls within the Downtown District.
   (c)   Recruit, encourage and coordinate residential and commercial developers and tenants within the Downtown District.
   (d)   Encourage and promote Downtown events that enhance the image of Downtown, attract visitors, and bring together the whole community of Chillicothe and the surrounding region.
   (e)   Propose Zoning Code updates and other ordinance updates as needed to organize the work of the CDDC and to implement community-endorsed design guidelines and other development initiatives.
(Ord. 17-14. Passed 3-10-14.)