(a)    Any industrial discharger that performs self-monitoring analysis and finds itself in violation of its wastewater discharge permit shall notify the POTW within twenty-four hours of becoming aware of that violation. The discharger shall then resample for those parameters in violation and report the results to the POTW within thirty days of becoming aware of the initial violation.
   (b)   Where the Authority has performed the sampling and analysis in lieu of the Industrial User, the Authority must perform the repeat sampling and analysis unless it notifies the User of the violation and requires the User to perform the repeat analysis. Resampling is not required if:
      (1)    The Authority performs sampling at the Industrial User at a frequency of at least once per month; or
      (2)    The Authority performs sampling at the Industrial User between the time that the initial sampling was conducted and the time when the User or the Authority receives the results of the sampling.
         (Ord. 84-14. Passed 10-13-14.)