(a)    This chapter sets forth uniform requirements for connecting to, use of, and discharging into the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) of the City of Chillicothe wastewater collection and treatment systems, and enables the City to protect public health in conformity with all applicable local, State and Federal laws relating thereto.
   (b)    The objectives of this chapter are:
      (1)   Define the permitting process and requirements associated with the public use of the POTW of the City of Chillicothe.
      (2)    To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the City wastewater system that will interfere with the normal operation of the system or contaminate the resulting municipal sludge.
      (3)    To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the City wastewater system which do not receive adequate treatment in the POlW, and which will pass through the system into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise be incompatible with the system.
      (4)    To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludge from the system.
   (c)    This chapter provides for the regulation of connections and discharges into the City wastewater system through the issuance of permits. All industrial users designated as significant industrial users by the City or Ohio EPA shall be required to obtain and abide by the requirements of a City issued wastewater discharge permit.
   (d)    It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for the payment of fees from dischargers to the City's wastewater disposal system, to compensate the City for the cost of administration of the pretreatment program established herein.
(Ord. 84-14. Passed 10-13-14.)