Parking spaces shall be provided according to the following Schedule, which is hereby made a part of this Ordinance. If a use consists of more than one (1) component (e.g., a school with a stadium) the required number of parking spaces shall be the sum of the required spaces for those component uses. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the floor area of a building shall be defined as in Section 1171.07.

A. Residential
1.    Single, two family or multiple- family dwellings
Two (2) per dwelling unit
2.    Institutional housing, other residential uses
One (1) per three (3) occupants plus two (2) for each main work shift
B.    Commercial
1.    Professional, administrative and business area.
One (1) for each 300 S.F. of gross floor area.
2.    Food, department, general merchandise, hardware, drugs, or other retail sales, including convenience stores.
One (1) for each 200 S.F. of gross floor area
3.    Eating or drinking establishments without drive-through facilities
One (1) for each 75 S.F. of gross floor area
4.    Eating or drinking establishments with drive-through facilities.
One (1) for each 100 S.F. of gross floor area plus additional space in the drive-through lanes equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the required number of parking spaces.
5.    Personal services, including banks, savings and loans, and repair services without drive-through facilities
One (1) for each 200 S.F. of gross floor area.
6.    Personal services, including banks, savings and loans, and similar services with drive-through facilities
One (1) for each 300 S.F. of gross floor area. plus additional space in drive-through lanes equal to eighty percent (80%) of the required number of parking spaces.
7.   Barber and beauty shops
Two (2) for each work station
8.    Vehicle service stations, automobile service
Two (2) for each service bay plus one (1) for each employee during the main shift
9.    Medical and dental offices, human clinics
Four (4) for each doctor or dentist
10.   Veterinary clinics, animal hospitals
Three (3) for each doctor
11.    Hotels, bed-and-breakfast establishments
One (1) for each sleeping room plus one (1) for each employee during the main shift
12.    Funeral homes
One (1) for each 50 S.F. of gross floor area
C.    Industrial
1.    Any manufacturing, processing, packaging, warehousing, distribution or service industry
Two (2) for each three (3) employees during work shift having greatest number of employees, plus one (1) for each vehicle maintained on the premises.
D.    Institutional
1.    Churches and places of public worship
One (1) for each four (4) seats in main sanctuary
2.    Public or private elementary or secondary school
Four (4) for each classroom, or one (1) for each five (5) seats in main auditorium, whichever is greater.
3.    Business, trade, or technical school,    college or university
One (1) for each two (2) students and one (1) for each faculty member
4.    Nursery School/Day Care
One (1) for each fifteen (15) students
5.    Libraries, museums, community centers and similar facilities
One for each 400 SF of gross floor area
6.    Civic, social and fraternal organizations
One (1) for each three (3) persons allowed in main meeting room at full capacity
7.    Hospitals, nursing facilities
One (1) for each four (4) beds plus one (1) per employee on main shift
E.    Recreational
1.    Baseball, softball, football, soccer or similar organized sport playfield
Twenty (20) for each playfield, plus one for each six (6) seats in stands
2.    Tennis, handball or racquetball courts
Three (3) for each court
3.    Bowling alleys
Four (4) per lane, plus necessary spaces as required for auxiliary uses such as restaurants.
4.    Theatres, stadiums, sports arenas, auditoriums or other assembly halls other than schools
One (1) for each four (4) seats
5.    Indoor recreational facilities in which seating is secondary to the principal use, e.g., roller rinks and similar venues.
One (1) for each three (3) persons allowed in main room/area at full capacity
(Ord. 27-11. Passed 3-14-11.)