(a)   Establishment. The Planning Commission as constituted at the time of enactment of this Zoning Code shall remain in power. Pursuant to Chapters 711 and 713 of the Ohio Revised Code, such Commission shall consist of the Mayor, the Director of Public Service, and three (3) citizens of the City to be appointed by the Mayor for terms of six (6) years each, Subsequent vacancies shall be filled by the Mayor.
   (b)   Removal of Members. Members of the Commission shall be removable for non-performance of duty, misconduct in office, or other just cause, by the Mayor.
   (c)   Organization and Rules.
      (1)   The Commission shall adopt, from time to time, such rules, procedures and regulations as it may deem necessary to implement the provisions of this Ordinance.
      (2)   The Commission shall elect a Chairman who shall serve a two (2) year term.
      (3)   The Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question; or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact. Three (3) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.
      (4)   The meetings of the Commission and its records shall be subject to the requirements of the Ohio Open Meeting Act. (ORC 121.22)
   (d)   Powers and Duties. The Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
      (1)   Prepare a recommended Comprehensive Plan for the City and recommend from time to time amendments to that Plan as may be needed.
      (2)   Take actions to approve, approve with modification or disapprove subdivisions of land, as authorized by this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (3)   Review proposed amendments to this Planning and Zoning Code or Official Zoning District Map and make recommendations to City Council.
      (4)   Permit conditional uses as specified in the various zoning districts under the conditions specified in this Ordinance, and such additional safeguards as will uphold the intent of the Ordinance.
      (5)   Make a recommendation for the zoning of newly annexed areas to the City, in accordance with this Ordinance.
      (6)   Administer the requirements for planned unit developments, in accordance with Chapter 1163.
      (7)   Declare zoning certificates void, pursuant to Section 1113.07.
         (Ord. 27-11. Passed 3-14-11.)