(a)   The Utilities Director is hereby delegated the power and authority to grant or deny water and sewer taps outside the City to the water supply and sewer systems of the City in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   The Utilities Director shall provide a monthly report of all water and sewer connections requested outside the City including the owner's name, location, action taken and comments to the Clerk of Council who shall make written report distribution to the members of Council.
(Ord. 21-83. Passed 3-14-83.)
   (c)   Owners of property contiguous to the City corporate limits shall be required to have any such property annexed to the City in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 709 before any water or sewer tap is granted for such property by the Utilities Director. However, if such property contiguous to the City corporate limits is being used as a manufactured home park as defined by Ohio R.C. 3733.01(A), then annexation shall not be required before any water or sewer tap is granted for such property by the Utilities Director.
(Ord. 27-91. Passed 4-8-91.)
   (d)   Whoever desires a water or sewer tap outside of the City to the water supply or sewer systems of the City, shall prepare an application thereof with the Utilities Director which shall contain a description of the premises and a copy of the deed showing proof of ownership, which shall be filed with the application showing the location of each lot and such other information as the Director may require.
(Ord. 21-83. Passed 3-14-83.)