913.04 PAYMENT.
   The sewer service charge or rental provided in this chapter shall be payable at such times as water charges are payable for the respective premises for which the charge or rental is made and in cases where no water is furnished by the Division of Water to the lot, parcel of land, building or premises for which a sewer service charge or rental is made, the charge or rental shall be payable at such times as shall be determined by the Director of Utilities.
   The Director is authorized to make and enforce such bylaws and regulations, not in conflict with the terms of this chapter, as may be necessary for collection of sewer service charges or rentals provided by this chapter including the power to shut off the water supply furnished by the City, to persons delinquent in the payment of such sewer service charges or rentals. Such charges or rentals shall be payable at the office of the Division of Water, and all billings therefor shall be made by the Division of Water and shall be subject to the same rate of discount for prompt payment and the same rate of interest for delayed payment as now or hereafter may apply in the case of water bills.
   Any water and sewer bill totaling less than two dollars ($2.00) within a billing period shall be held and added to the next billing period with no penalty.
(Ord. 28-89. Passed 2-27-89.)