   (a)   A limited bow and cross bow hunt for deer within the City shall be and is hereby authorized in accordance with the following special rules and regulations, the statutes of the State of Ohio, and the provisions of the Ohio Administrative Code:
      (1)   Hunting is limited to individuals eighteen years of age and older and shall be by permit only. Hunters shall register annually with the Chief of Police to obtain a permit at which time they shall provide the following:
         A.   Name, address and date of birth verified by identification bearing their photograph;
         B.   Telephone number;
         C.   Proof of successful completion of an annual Ohio Hunter Education Course and a National Bowhunter Education Course or successful completion of a hunter proficiency test approved by the Chief of Police;
         D.   Proof of combined single limit personal injury and property damage insurance in the minimum amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000);
         E.   Addresses/location where hunting will take place;
         F.   Copy of written notice of consent from the owner and, if applicable, the occupant(s) of the property where hunting will take place.
      (2)   Hunting is only for deer and only with legal bows, cross bows, and arrows. Arrows shall bear the name of the hunter to whom the permit was issued.
      (3)   Hunting is allowed only during the bow hunting season established by the State of Ohio and only during daylight hours.
      (4)   Hunting is only allowed from portable tree stands at least ten feet above the ground, except that individuals who have qualified for a free handicapped/disabled hunting license or others with physical impediments rendering them unable to ascend to an elevated position may hunt from a stationary ground blind approved by an officer of the Ohio Division of Wildlife. Stalking is not allowed.
      (5)   Hunting is only allowed on contiguous parcels of real property of at least one acre in size and only with written permission of the property owner, which consent the hunter must maintain in his/her possession while hunting and produce for inspection upon the request of any law enforcement officer.
      (6)   Hunting is not allowed within 100 feet of any occupied structure.
      (7)   The bag limit shall be as determined by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife; provided, however, that a hunter may not harvest an antlered buck until he/she has first harvested one antlerless deer and legally checked the deer in accordance with Ohio law. Any harvested deer must also be reported to the Chillicothe Police Department for deer harvest recording purposes. All harvested deer must be tagged with either a special deer permit or a landowner tag.
      (8)   Hunters shall remove all entrails from the scene of the harvest in plastic bags and hunters shall transport deer only in such a manner that they are not visible.
      (9)   Hunters shall also abide by all applicable statutes of the State of Ohio and provisions of the Ohio Administrative Code during this limited bow and cross bow hunt for deer.
      (10)   Violation of any of these rules, regulations, City Ordinances or State laws shall immediately revoke this permit and may result in criminal prosecution.
   (b)   Hunters in compliance with the terms of this section shall be exempt from prosecution under Section 505.11, while lawfully participating in this limited bow and cross bow hunt for deer; provided, however, that any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree punishable as provided in Section 501.99. (Ord. 52-13. Passed 8-26-13.)