Where an industry now or hereafter discharging any waste into a sewer connected to the public sewer system contemplates providing facilities for pretreatment of such wastes so as to reduce the strength of the waste, the industry may, by special agreement with the City of Cincinnati, entered into within 6 months after the effective date of ordinance No. 25-1953 of the City of Cincinnati, bind itself to construct such pretreatment facilities within 12 months after the effective date of the sewerage surcharge made pursuant to the ordinance. If any industry provides satisfactory pretreatment within the prescribed time, it shall be entitled to a refund in an amount equal to the difference between the surcharge actually paid and the surcharge that would have been paid had such pretreatment facilities been in operation on the date that the sewerage surcharge went into effect.
('73 Code, § 51.11)
If the sewerage service charge or surcharge established herein is not paid, or sewage industrial waste, water, or other liquids are discharged into the public sewer system in violation of this chapter, the city shall have the right to shut off such water supply, or to remove or close sewer connections, or both, until payment is made or the provisions of this chapter complied with.
('73 Code, § 51.12)
(A) The city shall refuse the use of the sewer facilities of the city to any territory north of the Westwood-Northern Boulevard unless and until the territory becomes annexed to the city.
(B) No annexation proceedings for any of the territory shall be initiated, nor shall any annexation proceedings for any of the territory be recognized or approved by the city, until an agreement has been reached between the Hamilton County Commissioners and the city for the relief of the sewer conditions on Fearman and Bruestle Avenues in the city.
(C) The Cheviot Evangelical United Brethren Church shall be permitted to connect a sanitary sewer only, from its property on the Westwood-Northern Boulevard into the Washington Avenue sewer of the city at Smith Road. The entire work of connecting the sewer, including permit and inspection fees, shall be done by the church at its own expense and shall be performed to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
('73 Code, § 51.13)
(A) Whoever violates any provision of § 51.03(A), (B), (C), shall be subject to a fine of not more than $50. Each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(B) In addition to the penalties provided herein, the city is authorized to bring or institute any appropriate action, in law or equity, to restrain, abate, or correct any violation of this chapter, or to collect damages for destruction or deterioration of, or injury to any part of the sewer system or other property belonging to the city, or injury to its employees.