(A) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer.
(B) Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated by the safety-service director as combined sewers or storm sewers.
(C) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any public sewer any of the following described substances, materials, waters, or wastes:
(1) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150°F. (65°C.).
(2) Any water or wastes which contain grease or oil or other substances that will solidify or become discernibly viscous at temperatures between 32° and 150°F.
(3) Any gasoline, benzine, naphtha, fuel oil or mineral oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas.
(4) Any water or wastes that contain more than 10 parts per million by weight of the following gases: hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, or nitrous oxide.
(5) Any garbage that has not been properly comminuted or triturated.
(6) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, chemical residues, paint residues, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage system.
(7) Any water or wastes, acid or alkaline in reaction, and having corrosive properties capable of causing damage or hazard to structures and equipment of the sewage system, or to human beings. Free acids and alkalis of such wastes must be neutralized at all times, within a permissible range of pH, between 5.5 and 9.5.
(8) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, is capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life or of preventing entry into sewers for their maintenance and repair.
(9) Any water or wastes which, for a duration of 15 minutes, have a concentration greater than 5 times that of "normal" sewage as measured by suspended solids and B.O.D., and/or which are discharged continuously at a rate exceeding 1,000 gallons per minute.
(10) Any other water, waste, or substance which can or does cause damage to the sewage system of the city, or which creates, or can create, a hazard to human beings or animals, shall be subject to control or be barred from entering the sewage system, as determined by the safety-service director.
(D) No sewage, industrial waste, water, or other liquids shall be discharged into the public sewer system other than those admissible to the Cincinnati Public Sewer System under the ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and the rules and regulations of the city manager of the City of Cincinnati promulgated pursuant thereto, as are now or may hereafter be in effect.
('73 Code, § 51.03) Penalty, see § 51.99
(A) The safety-service director, city engineer, or their representatives, shall be empowered to enter upon any premises or properties, public or private, for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, and testing of waters, wastes, or substances being discharged into the sewer system, or of pipes, connections, equipment, or other facilities utilized in the discharge of these waters, wastes, and substances into the sewer system.
(B) The safety-service director, city engineer, or their representatives, may make whatever tests or samplings they deem necessary to determine the nature or content of waters, wastes, and substances being discharged into the sewer system, or their effect upon the pipes, equipment, or facilities of the sewer system, and, in addition, they may, as they deem necessary, engage testing laboratories for these purposes. The services of such testing laboratories shall be paid for by the person, establishment, or owner as to which such tests are made.
(C) The safety-service director shall be authorized and empowered to determine and prescribe the measures, means, or procedures which he deems necessary to prevent damage to the sewage system of the city, or hazard to human beings or animals. Such determination shall be communicated in writing to the person, owner, or establishment that has discharged, or is about to discharge, waters, wastes, or substances into the sewage system which could cause damage to the sewers or hazard to human beings or animals. Thereupon, such person, owner, or establishment shall proceed with the measures prescribed by the safety-service director.
(D) The written notice provided for in § 51.04 of this chapter to be given by the safety- service director to a person, establishment, or owner shall be served by personal delivery, or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known business address, if served upon a business, or at the last known residence address, if not served upon a business. The notice shall state further that the corrective measures specified therein shall be taken or commenced not later than 10 days following delivery of the notice. If commenced within the 10-day period, the corrective measures shall be completed with due diligence.
(E) However, such person, establishment, or owner shall not be relieved or released from compliance with the provisions of this chapter, either during the 10-day period or during the installation or construction of the corrective measures. Instead, such measures must be taken to prevent violation or continued violation of this chapter as are satisfactory to the safety-service director.
('73 Code, § 51.04) Penalty, see § 51.99
(A) Installation of control and neutralization equipment or other facilities for the treatment or control of waters, wastes, or substances may be required to prevent damage.
(B) A recording instrument or graph shall be attached to the control or neutralization equipment, which shall indicate on a chart a continuous and permanent record of the acid or alkaline content of the waters, wastes, or other substances in question.
(C) Plans, specifications, and any other pertinent information relating to control and neutralization equipment or other facilities to be utilized in the treatment or control of waters or wastes shall be submitted for the approval of the safety-service director, and no construction of such facilities shall be commenced until the approvals are obtained in writing, and necessary permits received.
(D) Where such facilities are provided for the control or neutralization of waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense, and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the safety-service director.
(E) The owner shall maintain operating records and shall submit to the safety-service director, in a form prescribed by the safety-service director, a summary report of the character of the influent and effluent, to show the performance of the treatment facilities. The frequency of such reports shall be determined by the safety-service director.
('73 Code, § 51.05) Penalty, see § 51.99
The installation, operation, and maintenance of sewage lift stations in connection with sewer systems being installed in new residential developments will be permitted in those instances where it is demonstrated that a gravity outlet for sewage is not reasonably available because of lack of accessibility or because of exorbitant costs. The pump used in these lift stations shall be a factory-assembled duplex pump or duplex ejector supplied by a reputable manufacturer. No lift station shall be installed or constructed until the plans and site location for the installation and construction have been approved by the safety-service director.
('73 Code, § 51.06)
(A) The subdivision plat shall include a statement that the subdivision is served by a sewage lift station, and shall include an agreement that the owners or their successors and assigns of all lots in the subdivision will pay the charges for operation, maintenance, repairs, and replacements levied by the city, that, if such charges are not paid, they shall become a lien against the property, and that unpaid charges may be certified to the county auditor for collection on the tax duplicate as other taxes are collected. The sewage lift station shall be considered as an integral part of the sewer system shown on the subdivision improvement plan and all rules and regulations of the city.
(B) The charges to cover the estimated cost of operating and maintaining sewage lift stations shall be as follows:
(1) At the time application is made for a permit to construct a sewer system to be served by a lift station, the developer shall deposit with the city the sum of $2,000.
(2) An account shall be kept of the cost of inspecting, maintaining, and operating the lift station for 3 years from the date the lift station is certified as ready for operation by the safety-service director of the city, and is accepted by the State Board of Health of Ohio.
(3) Each dwelling unit connected to the sewer system served by a sewage lift station shall be subject to an annual service charge of $10, which charge is made a lien as of January 1 of each year upon the corresponding lot, parcel of land, or premise. This annual service charge shall be in effect for the 3- year period referred to in § 51.11(B)(2).
(4) The developer shall maintain the lift station in good operating condition for the 3-year period referred to in § 51.11(B)(2), and shall assume the cost of any inspections deemed necessary by the safety-service director of the city. In the event that the developer should fail or refuse to maintain the lift station in good operating condition for the period stated, the city shall be authorized to apply such portion of the deposit made by the developer and/or the annual service charges provided by § 51.11(B)(3) as may be necessary to pay for the cost of any inspections of the lift station deemed necessary by the safety-service director, and for that cost of maintaining the lift station in good operating condition. At the end of the 3-year period, any portion of the deposit given by the developer and not required by the city for inspection and maintenance of the lift stations, as provided in § 51.11(B)(5), shall be returned to the developer.
(5) In the event that, during the 3-year period, the deposit of the developer and the annual service charges shall be insufficient for the costs of inspection and maintenance of the lift stations, then the portion of the cost of inspection and maintenance in excess of the deposit and annual service charges shall be assessed against the parcels of property connected to or benefited by the designated lift station. If the portion of such cost attributable to the benefited property is not paid by April 1, it will be certified, together with interest at 5% per annum, to the county auditor for collection on the following December tax duplicate, or as otherwise directed by council of the city.
(6) During February of each year, the director shall certify to the city treasurer the names of the owners of all parcels of property connected during the previous calendar year to the sewer system served by the designated sewage lift station, the number of dwelling units on the parcel, and, so far as possible, the mailing addresses of the owners. By March 1 of each year the city treasurer, shall notify, by postcard notice, each of the property owners that the annual sewage pumping charge is due and payable by April 1, and that if the charge is not paid by that time, it will be certified, together with a penalty of 5%, to the county auditor for collection by the county treasurer and the director shall certify any unpaid charges together with the penalty annually on or before the second Monday in September to the county auditor for collection on the following December tax duplicate.
('73 Code, § 51.07)