(A)   Intent. The I-2 Heavy Industrial Districts are designed primarily for manufacturing, assembling, and fabrication activities including large scale or specialized industrial operations, whose external effects will be felt to some degree by surrounding districts. The I-2 District is so structured as to permit the manufacturing, processing, and compounding of semi-finished or finished products from raw materials as well as from previously prepared materials. 
(`73 Code, 15.251, § 5.84)
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. In the I-2 Districts no buildings, structure or premises, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected, altered, or used, except for one or more of the following uses:
      (1)   Any first use permitted in an I-1 District;
      (2)   Heating and electric power generating plants, and all necessary uses related thereto;
      (3)   Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair, or storage of materials, goods, or products which shall conform with the performance standards as set forth in §§ 154.100 through 154.114 “General Requirements,” except such uses specifically excluded from the city by ordinance, and which shall not be injurious or offensive to the occupants of adjacent premises by means of the emission or creation of noise, vibration, smoke, dust or particulate matter, toxic and noxious materials, odors, fire or explosive hazards, or glare or heat;
      (4)   Junk yards, provided such are entirely enclosed within a building or within an eight-foot obscuring masonry wall of sufficient strength to serve as a retaining wall, and provided further that the junk yard is not nearer than 250 feet to the perimeter of the I-2 District wherein it is located. There shall be no outdoor burning on the site and all industrial processes involving the use of equipment for cutting, compressing or packaging shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building. There shall be no stocking of any material above the height of the wall, except that movable equipment used on the site may exceed the wall height;
      (5)   Any of the following uses provided that they are located not less than 750 feet distant from any Residential District and not less than 250 feet distant from any other district:
         (a)   Blast furnace, steel furnace, forging plant, stamping plant, blooming or rolling mill;
         (b)   Manufacture of corrosive acid or alkali, cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of Paris;
         (c)   Petroleum or other flammable liquids, production, refining, or storage;
         (d)   Smelting of copper, iron or zinc ore.
      (6)   Other uses, which in the determination of the City Council, after recommendation, pro or con, of the Planning Commission are of a similar character to the above permitted uses, subject further to such conditions, restrictions and safeguards as may be deemed necessary by the Commission in the interest of public health, safety and welfare;
      (7)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses.
(`73 Code, 15.252, § 5.85)
   (C)   Area and bulk requirements.  See §§ 154.085 and 154.086, “Schedule of Regulations,” limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. 
(`73 Code, 15.253, § 5.86)
(Ord. eff. 8-1-67; Am. Ord. passed 1973; Am. Ord. eff. 6-6-08)  Penalty, see § 154.999