(A)   The Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a notice of violation if the erosion control plan is not being implemented or the conditions of the permit are not being met. The notice of violation shall state the violation, the corrective action necessary and the day by which the correction must be completed.
   (B)   If the corrective action specified in the notice of violation is not completed within three calendar days, a stop work order may be issued. The Code Enforcement Officer shall determine the extent of the order, which may include all work at the site except for the corrective action.
   (C)   If no reasonable effort at a corrective action is made within the specified time limit, or if immediate corrective action is necessary, the Code Enforcement Officer may cause the corrective action to be performed by village employees and shall assess the actual and administrative costs of such performance against the permittee.
   (D)   A "Stop Work Order" may be issued at any time if work is being done without a valid, current or approved erosion control plan, or contrary to this code.
   (E)   Failure to obtain an approved erosion control plan for a land disturbance or land development activity, or a failure to comply with the requirements of the approved erosion control plan or the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed a violation.
(Ord. 17-44, passed 9-12-17)