(A) All erosion and sediment control measures necessary to meet the requirements of these sections shall be maintained by the applicant during the period of land disturbance and land development activities in accordance with the standards of the Illinois Urban Manual in a satisfactory manner to ensure adequate performance of the erosion and sediment control measures until an erosion control plan completion notice is issued.
(B) The permittee shall immediately repair any sedimentation or erosion damage to property and drainage ways adjacent to the site resulting from land development and land disturbance activities.
(C) The permittee shall maintain and protect all on-site and off-site storm water drainage systems, drainage ways, floodplain and drainage easements as identified on the erosion control plan.
(D) The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining all erosion and sediment control measures necessary to meet the requirements of these sections.
(Ord. 17-44, passed 9-12-17)