(A) The Code Enforcement Officer or designee shall issue an erosion control completion notice in accordance with the following procedures when disturbed areas have achieved final stabilization.
(B) The permittee or landowner shall notify the Code Enforcement Officer or designee, in writing, that construction and final stabilization is complete. The written notification shall request an inspection. Within two working days, weather permitting, the Code Enforcement Officer or designee, shall inspect the site to determine if all of the conditions of the erosion control plan have been met and if final stabilization is complete. If the site is satisfactory, an erosion control plan completion notice shall be issued. If conditions are not satisfactory, the inspector shall list the deficiencies and the required corrective action. Once corrective actions have been completed, the permittee shall request, in writing, another inspection. Within two working days, weather permitting, the site shall be inspected and if the deficiencies are corrected satisfactorily an erosion control plan completion notice shall be issued. If the erosion control measures have been implemented correctly throughout the project, and the weather conditions associated with the time of year prevent establishment of final stabilization, a temporary Final Inspection Certificate may be issued.
(Ord. 17-44, passed 9-12-17)