The following shall be conditions of licensure:
   (A)   The licensee shall at all times maintain a Sangamon County Health Department certificate of inspection and shall prominently display such certificate and the village itinerant food vendor’s license.
   (B)   The interior and the exterior of every food vending vehicle and all equipment therein shall have smooth washable surfaces and shall be maintained in good repair and in a sanitary manner. All trash and any other waste must be placed in a trash receptacle or removed from the property.
   (C)   Hours of operation are limited to one-half hour after sunrise to one-half hour before sunset and to a maximum of 12 hours in any 24-hour period.
   (D)   The licensee shall be limited to one vehicle or one pushcart, which shall not be stored on public property during hours when the licensee is not open for business. The licensee shall not advertise on public property except for signage on the vendor’s vehicle or pushcart.
   (E)   The licensee shall not utilize village utilities.
   (F)   The licensee may use employees and agents but shall have workers compensation insurance coverage for any employees and shall be personally present at all times sales or offers for sales are being made.
   (G)   The licensee shall faithfully make retailers occupation tax returns and pay retailers occupation taxes.
(Ord. 12-16, passed 5-22-12) Penalty, see § 110.99