The Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport Advisory Board, established under the authority of the Aeronautics Code of the State of Michigan, Act 327 of the Public Acts of 1945, as amended, M.C.L.A.§§ 259.1 et seq., is hereby established and shall provide advice and recommendations to the City Council, the City Manager, and the Airport Manager on the maintenance, procedures and policies concerning the operation of the Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport. The Board shall function in an advisory capacity only and shall have no authority to adopt, amend, modify, alter or rescind any rule, regulation or ordinance for the management, governance or use of the Fitch H. Beach Municipal Airport.
(Ord. passed 3-24-2008)
(A) The Board shall be comprised of 5 members appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council. In addition, 1 Council member, a representative of Eaton Township appointed by the Mayor, and the Airport Manager (or City Manager if none appointed) will serve as nonvoting, ex officio members.
(B) The term of appointment shall be 3 years. One member's term shall end on April 1, 2009. Two other members' terms shall end on April 1, 2010. The remaining 2 members' terms shall end on April 1, 2011. These staggered appointments shall continue in future years.
(C) If any member, for any reason, resigns or relinquishes his or her membership on the Board, the replacement shall be appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the Council, to fill the vacancy for the remainder of that unexpired term.
(D) Members of the Board serve at the pleasure of Council and may be removed, with or without cause, at any time. In addition, if any member misses 3 consecutive meetings without a valid excuse, he or she shall be removed. The Chairperson of the Board shall notify the Mayor, who shall appoint a replacement, with the approval of Council.
(Ord. passed 3-24-2008)
(A) The Board shall hold regular quarterly meetings at a date, place and time to be set by the Board. A schedule of meetings adopted by the Board shall be provided to the City Council, posted at City Hall, and available to the general public through the office of the clerk.
(B) The chairperson of the Board or a majority of the members of the Board may call a special meeting of the Board whenever, in their opinion, the business of the Board may require it. Notice of special meetings shall be made in conformance with the Michigan Open Meetings Act.
(C) At the first meeting following April 1 of each year, the Board shall select a chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary. The chairperson shall assume the duties of the presiding officer immediately following his or her election.
(D) A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, those in attendance shall be named and the meeting shall be adjourned.
(E) The meetings of the Board shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Michigan Open Meetings Act. The procedure for conducting the meetings shall be controlled by Robert's Rules of Order.
(Ord. passed 3-24-2008)
Pursuant to § 6.15 of the City Charter, the Sustainability Advisory Committee is hereby established for the purpose of involving Charlotte citizens in researching and advising the City Council regarding policies and initiatives designed to better enable humans and nature to exist in productive harmony while addressing long-term economic, environmental and energy needs and trends.
(Ord. 2014-02, passed 2-24-2014)
(A) The Sustainability Advisory Committee shall consist of at least 5 but not more than 7 voting members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
(B) One member shall be a member of the Downtown Development Authority, the Economic Development Advisory Board or the Planning Commission.
(C) One member shall be a member of the City Council.
(D) One member may be a non-resident.
(E) The Committee shall have the authority to appoint ex-officio members with the right to participate in discussion but without the right to vote.
(Ord. 2014-02, passed 2-24-2014)