§§ 2-82 -- 2-100 RESERVED.
The Economic Development Advisory Board is hereby created pursuant to Charter, § 6.15. The purpose of the Board shall be to create a shared vision of economic development which will unify the Charlotte community. The Board shall promote economic growth with the goal of balancing the need for such growth with the protection and enhancement of the character and identify of Charlotte. The Board shall periodically report its findings and suggestions to the City Council. It is the goal of this Board to afford citizen participation in the affairs of the government of the city. To meet this goal subcommittees may be established to expand citizen participation and to carry out duties outlined in this division.
(1993 Code, § 2-101) (Ord. passed 5-9-1994(l))
(A) The Economic Development Advisory Board shall consist of 10 regular voting members and 2 alternate members.
(B) Eight voting members shall be appointed by the City Council from the general population of the city and shall have the qualifications required by the City Charter for elective officers of the city.
(C) Two voting members shall be nonresidents of the city, 1 representing Carmel Township and 1 representing Eaton Township.
(D) One alternate member shall be the Mayor and 1 alternate member shall be the City Manager. The alternate members may be called on a rotating basis to sit as regular members of the Economic Development Advisory Board in the absence of a regular member and at that time may have the same voting rights as a regular member of the Economic Development Advisory Board.
(E) The Economic Development Advisory Board may, from time to time, add ex-officio members who shall be nonvoting and need not be residents of the city.
(1993 Code, § 2-102) (Ord. passed 5-9-1994(l); Ord. passed 1-8-1996(l); Ord. passed 5-10-1999)
The terms of office for the members of the Economic Development Advisory Board shall be 3 year staggered terms. Three of the members shall be appointed for 1 year initially, 3 members appointed for 2 years initially, and 3 members for 3 years initially. Thereafter all members shall serve 3 year terms.
(1993 Code, § 2-103) (Ord. passed 5-9-1994(1); Ord. passed 1-8-1996(1))