Ord. No. | Adopt. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | Adopt. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
2-19-2024 | Budget Amendment #1 (2023-2024) | |
2-19-2024 | Budget Appropriation Act | |
| Amending Short Term Rentals: Sections Affected: | |
3-4-2024 | Rezoning | |
4-1-2024 | Amending Planning and Zoning (Ch 153) Sections Affected: | |
6-3-2024 | Amending CBD zoning district Sections Affected: | |
7-1-2024 | Amending Land Usage (Ch 153) Sections Affected: | |
8-7-2024 | Payment in lieu of tax ordinance for Pinebridge Place | |
10-14-2024 | Rezoning | |
11-18-2024 | Amending code regarding Disorderly Conduct Sections Affected: | |
12-16-2024 | Amending code regarding lighting Sections Affected: | |
12-16-2024 | Amending code regarding membership of Planning Commission Sections Affected: | |