The Sergeant shall have power to collect the Town taxes, fines, and levies, and shall have power one month after he receives the books of the Assessor of said Town, to distrain and sell therefor, in like manner as the Sheriff may distrain and sell for State taxes, and shall in all other respects have the same powers as a Sheriff to enforce the payment and collection thereof; and the said Sergeant shall have power, within the corporate limits, to exercise all the duties of a constable as a conservator of the peace, and he shall be entitled to the same compensation therefor. Upon the conviction of any person arrested by him, for the violation of any of the ordinances of the Town, he shall be entitled to one dollar for such arrest, to be taxed in the costs against the person so convicted, and he and his sureties shall be liable to all fines, penalties and forfeitures that a constable is legally liable to, for any failure or dereliction in his said office, to be recovered in the same manner and before the same courts that said fines, penalties and forfeitures are now recoverable against constables.