(a)   Provisions of West Virginia Code Sections 18-7, 18-8, 18-9 and 8-22-16 et seq. shall not be applicable to any police officer hired by the City after May 1, 1981.
   (b)   Any police officers hired by the City after May 1, 1981, shall be deemed to be an employee and member as defined by West Virginia Code 5-10-1 et seq. and that police officer shall be deemed to be covered by the Public Employee's Retirement System (West Virginia Code 5-10-1 et seq.) in accordance with its terms, provisions and conditions; further, such police officers shall not have any interest in or be construed to be covered by the "Pension or Relief Fund".
   (c)   The current "Pension or Relief Fund" shall be maintained for those police officers hired prior to May 1, 1981 and this section shall not alter nor restrict those police officer's rights or benefits in and to the "Pension or Relief Fund" nor alter the City's responsibility towards such Fund pursuant to the applicable statutes of the State of West Virginia and City Ordinances.
(Passed 5-4-81)