(a)   No person shall plant or set out any tree, shrub or vine, or cause, authorize or procure any person to plant or set out any tree, shrub, or vine in or upon any part of any public street or public place, without first obtaining from the City Engineer a written permit to do so and without complying in all respects with such conditions as are set forth in such written permit.
   (b)   All applications for the permits required by the provisions of this section shall be made on blanks furnished by the City and shall describe the work to be done and shall state the variety, size and exact location of each tree, shrub or vine. After the receipt of such an application, the City Engineer shall investigate the locality where the tree, shrub, or vine is to be placed and shall take into consideration, in considering the application, the normal growth and development of such tree, shrub or vine. Each permit issued by the City Engineer under the provisions of this section shall specify the location, variety and size of each tree, shrub or vine and method of planting, and shall be good only for the period stated therein. There shall be no charge for such permits, but before any permit shall be issued for planting more than ten trees, shrubs or vines, the City Engineer may request from the applicant a detailed declaration of intentions, either in the form of a planting plan or a written statement containing such information as the City Engineer may require.
   (c)   The following regulations are hereby established for the planting of trees, shrubs or vines in or upon the public streets and public places of the City:
      (1)   No tree shall hereafter be planted at the intersection of two or more streets or within twenty feet of such intersection.
      (2)   No tree, shrub or vine shall be planted where the clear space between the curb and the sidewalk is less than three feet. No tree, shrub or vine shall be planted nearer than one foot from the curb line or outer line of the sidewalk.