(a) "Free-roaming cat" includes feral, stray or abandoned cats that may or may not have a caretaker and do not have an owner or are otherwise homeless. The term does not include a stray pet cat that might have been lost or abandoned and which has identifiable ownership such as, but not limited to, a tag, microchip or tattoo.
(b) "Eartipping" means the removal of a 3/8" inch tip of a free-roaming cat's left ear, performed while the cat is under anesthesia in compliance with any applicable federal, state, or county laws and under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Eartipping is designed to identify a free-roaming cat as being sterilized and lawfully vaccinated against rabies.
(c) "Trap-Neuter-Return" means the process of humanely trapping, sterilizing, vaccinating against rabies, eartipping, and returning free-roaming cats to their original location.
(d) Free-roaming cat initiatives: The City of Charles Town recognizes the need for innovation in addressing the issues presented by free-roaming cats. To that end it recognizes that there are community caregivers of cats and acknowledges that properly managed free-roaming cats may be part of the solution to the continuing euthanasia of cats. The overall goal of the City is to reduce the population of feral cats and establishes the following requirements:
(1) All free-roaming cat colonies/groups and trap-neuter-return activities must be maintained on private property of the caregiver, or with written permission, the private property of another landowner (including city, county, state, and federal public property). Written permission must include the landowner's name, address, phone number and signature. Written permission must be dated and will expire 1 year from that date and will become void if the property changes ownership. This written permission must be in the possession of the caregiver when conducting any functions related to the management of free-roaming cats on that property.
(2) A "Cat Caregiver Registration" shall be required of any individual that wishes to manage free-roaming cat colonies/groups or conduct trap-neuter-return activities according to the previsions of this section. This registration shall be provided by the City at no cost to the caregiver and valid for 2 years after the date of issuance. This registration may be revoked by the City at any time if the City believes the individual is incapable of performing duties associated with managing free-roaming cats or if the individual is not complying with the provisions of this section. Appeals of revocations shall be made to the City Council.
(3) All cats that are part of free-roaming cat programs must be sterilized, vaccinated against the threat of rabies, and ear-tipped for easy identification; if these requirements are met, the free-roaming cat is exempted from licensing, stray, at-large and possibly other provisions of this ordinance or other City Ordinances that apply to owned animals.
(4) If a person is providing care for free-roaming cats, he or she is required to provide certain necessities on a regular/ongoing basis, including, but not limited to, proper nutrition and medical care as needed. The following guidelines shall be followed;
A. Food must be provided in the proper quantity for the number of cats being managed and is to be supplied no less than once per day. Food must be maintained in proper feeding containers.
B. Water, if supplied, must be clean, potable and free from debris and algae.
C. If shelter is provided, it shall be unobtrusive, safe, and of the proper size for the cat(s).
(e) Contact information of local organizations willing to assist free-roaming cats and their caregivers will be made available by the City.
(f) Violations of this section are subject to a fine of not less than $250.00 and not to exceed $500.00. (Ord. 2018-005. Passed 8-6-18.)