The regulations set forth in Schedule 1133.07 govern the development of multi-family development, including single-family attached dwelling projects, permitted in the R-4 Multi-family District.
   (a)   Minimum Development Area. The minimum area of a tract of land proposed for a multi-family project shall not be less than that set forth in Schedule 1133.07. The entire tract of land to be developed shall be considered one zoning lot.
   (b)   Setback from Project Boundary. Buildings and parking areas shall be located not less than the distance set forth in Schedule 1133.07. The project boundary shall include all lot lines that divide the tract of land developed for multi-family units and attached single-family units from adjacent lots not included in the development and shall be the boundaries of the minimum area set forth in Schedule 1133.07.
   (c)    Allowance of Single-Family Detached Units. A maximum of 30% of the dwelling units in a multi-family development project may be detached single-family units.
   (d)   Schedule 1133.07 R-4 Multi-Family District Development Standards.
Schedule 1133.07
R-4 Multi-Family District Development Standards
R-4 Multi-Family District
(1)    Minimum Development Area   
5 acres
(2)   Maximum Density (dwelling units per acre)
A.   Attached Single-Family Development
8 du/ac
B.   Multi-family Development
12 du/ac
(3) Minimum Lot Width at building setback line
200 feet
(4) Maximum lot coverage by buildings   
(6) Minimum Building Setback from:
A.    Public Right-of-Way
50 feet
B.    Project boundary line abutting an R-1, R-2, R-3 or R-3CPE District
50 feet
C.    Project boundary line abutting all other zoning districts
30 feet
(7) Minimum Parking Setback from:
A.    Public Right-of-Way
50 feet
B.    Project boundary line abutting an R-1, R-2, R-3 or R-3CPE District
20 feet
C.    Project boundary line abutting all other zoning districts
15 feet
(8) Minimum Building Separation
25 feet
(9) Maximum principal building height
35 feet
(10) Maximum accessory structure height   
20 feet
(Ord. 3273. Passed 5-9-24.)