The following signs are prohibited:
   (A)   Signs that contain statements, words, or pictures of an obscene, indecent, or immoral character, such as will offend public morals or decency.
   (B)   Signs that contain or are an imitation of an official traffic sign or signal or contain the words "stop", "go slowly", "caution", "danger", "warning", or similar words.
   (C)   Signs that are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic-control device or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal.
   (D)   Signs that advertise an activity, business, or product or service that are not or are no longer located on the property or premises upon which the sign is located.
   (E)   Moving, rotating or animated signs, except traditional barber poles, not exceeding two feet in height and projecting not more than 12 inches from the building, utilized only to identify a hair cutting establishment. In authorizing the latter exemption, the corporate authorities find it in the public interest to retain this historic symbol of American commerce.
   (F)   Searchlights other than for grand openings.
   (G)   Windows painted or posted in excess of 50% of the viewing area.
   (H)   Signs not listed in §§ 156.174 through 156.178 shall be deemed to be prohibited, even though such signs are not specifically listed in § 156.169.
   (I)   Signs in public rights-of-way which are not public signs, except for banners on light poles as approved by the Village Board.
   (J)   Streamers, posters, ribbons, light strings except residential holiday lighting, light bulbs, light bands, spinners, attention-getting devices that move, blinking, electronic or flashing signs except time, temperature, date and informational signs with a time delay of not less than three seconds between copy, signs which exhibit changing natural or artificial light or color effects, festoon lighting, and neon signs.
   (K)   Signs attached to trees, fences, public utility poles, standpipes, gutter drains or fire escapes, other than warning signs issued by government officials or public utilities.
   (L)   Signs that emit an odor, sound or visible matter.
(Ord. 730, passed 9-21-92; Am. Ord. 1342, passed 5-3-04; Am. Ord. 1559, passed 12-1-08; Am. Ord. 1618, passed 5-3-10) Penalty, see § 156.999