No snowmobile shall be operated in the city unless equipped with the following:
   A.   Lights:
      1.   At least one headlamp sufficient to render persons or vehicles clearly visible at a distance of two hundred feet (200') or more.
      2.   A taillight or taillamp which shall emit a red light plainly visible at a distance to the rear of at least two hundred fifty feet (250').
   B.   Brake: At least one brake to be operated by hand or foot.
   C.   Muffler: A muffler in good working order which shall be sufficient to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke; bypasses, cutouts or similar devices are hereby declared unlawful.
   D.   Fluorescent Flag: In the event that banks of snow build to a point where the height of the snowmobile is not sufficient to make it clearly visible when approaching an intersection, the operator must display a red or orange fluorescent flag at least one square foot in size at a minimum of five feet (5') above the ground upon a mast or antenna attached to the snowmobile for that purpose. (Ord. 327, 1-12-1971)