In any zone, except as noted below, every building erected or structurally altered, enlarged or increased in capacity, and every land use shall be provided with minimum off street parking facilities as follows:
Automobile sales
A minimum of 2 parking spaces, plus 1 additional parking space for each 20 units in inventory, all of such parking to be provided off of the street and on the premises where the business is conducted
Churches, auditoriums, gymnasiums, stadiums, theaters and other places for public or private assembly with fixed seats
1 parking space for each 5 seats or bench seating spaces based upon maximum seating capacity. For purposes of this type of use, parking spaces already provided to meet parking requirements for stores, office buildings and industrial establishments, or on street or off street parking facilities provided by the municipality lying within 300 feet of the place of public assembly as measured along the lines of public access, and not normally in use or made available for other parking, may be used to meet up to 75 percent of the total requirements of parking space for places of public assembly
Dance halls, bowling alleys and private clubs
1 parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area, to be provided on the premises or within 300 feet of the entrance
Hospitals and clinics
1 parking space for each 4 hospital beds
Hotels, rooming houses, clubs and fraternal homes
1 parking space for each 4 guest sleeping rooms
Manufacturing establishments
1 parking space for each 5 employees, based on the greatest number of employees at 1 time, to be provided on the premises or within 1,000 feet of the main entrance
One- and two-family dwellings and multiple-family dwellings
1 parking space for each dwelling unit
Stores, offices and other retail establishments
1 parking space for each 300 square feet of store space, to be provided on the premises or within 200 feet of the entrance; except, that restaurants, bars or establishments whose primary use is to serve meals and refreshments to patrons shall provide 1 parking space for each 100 square feet of floor space in the building
Tourist courts and motels
1 parking space for each unit
Tourist homes
1 parking space for each transient sleeping room offered for tourist accommodations in addition to parking spaces required for permanent residents of the building
Wholesale and distributing establishments
1 parking space for every 3 employees
The downtown business district (the area currently zone commercial A) is exempt from these regulations due to the nature of the original townsite and lot size plans. Requiring businesses in the above district to conform to these standards would result in unnecessary hardship due to inability to expand and improve facilities to compete viably with new businesses established in less densely populated areas. Furthermore, requiring these businesses to conform to existing parking standards within their limited areas would detract new businesses from establishing in existing vacant lots in the above area and would probably result in the deterioration of the existing commercial A district. (Ord. 499, 4-16-2009)