A.   Size; Access; Location: For the purpose of this chapter, one hundred eighty (180) square feet of area, which has a means of ingress or egress from an alley or street, shall be deemed parking space for one vehicle. Such space shall not occupy any part of any required front yard, but when open, may be included as a part of a required open space for side or rear yard. On corner or through lots, parking space may not be included as part of required yards lying adjacent to any street.
   B.   Materials Of Construction: Such parking spaces and access driveways shall be paved or otherwise surfaced with an all weather, dustproof material. That part of the driveway connecting from the curb line to the property line shall be paved with concrete or asphaltic materials.
   C.   Use Of Existing Spaces; Reduction: Available off street parking facilities provided by the municipality within the required distance for each use as herein provided may be used to meet the requirements of parking space for each such land use as herein provided. Parking spaces located in the street may not be used to meet the parking space requirements as herein provided, except for residential use only within any zoning district established by this title. Parking space required under this chapter may be reduced at times when the capacity or use of a building is changed in such a manner that a new use or capacity would require less space than before the change. Such reduction may not be below the standards for the new use set forth in this chapter.
   D.   Joint Use Of Parking Facilities: The joint use of parking facilities may be permitted in cases where major parking demands occur on different days of the week or during different hours; provided, that parking spaces will be available for each use in accordance with the standards contained herein.
   E.   Parking Facilities Plan: A plan of parking facilities shall accompany each application for a building permit or certificate of compliance. The completion of the improvements for parking according to such plan shall be a requisite for the validity of the permit or certificate. (Ord. 499, 4-16-2009)