An applicant desiring a lease or license to provide a commercial service at the airport shall submit a written application to the Challis Airport Commission containing all the following pertinent information two (2) months prior to the desired occupancy date:
GENERAL: A fixed based operator must provide the services agreed upon between the operator and the City Council under the terms of his lease or license for all users of his services and facility. The facility must be so staffed and equipped that the fixed base operator will be able to render said services independent of any other fixed base operator during reasonable hours and without unreasonable delays.
      An application for a term lease to conduct fixed base operations shall be in the form of a written proposal which shall include:
1. Complete financial statement in detail showing assets, liabilities and net worth of the business, including a profit and loss statement of any existing commercial air activity in which the applicant is engaged.
   2. Statement setting forth in detail the proposed overall investment.
   3. A complete list of services to be provided and an approximate time in which those services will be available to the public after the approval of the application.
   4. Plot plans, building blueprints, fuel storage plans, materials and equipment list.
   a. Plot plans shall include area location and layout.
   b. Building blueprints shall include structural design and materials to be used, and proposed structures must bear approval of the City of Challis.
   5. Demonstration that the applicant has the proper license or certificates required by the F.A.A. to conduct the activities proposed.
   Auto Parking Areas: Auto parking areas must be sufficient to provide adequate parking space for all employees plus adequate space for customer use. Parking lot layout must set forth the number of auto parking spaces to be provided.
   Fuel Sales and Storage: Any proposal for storage or sale of fuel shall meet the requirements of the City minimum standards for storage and sale of fuel at the Challis Municipal Airport 1 . Any person selling fuel shall have current fuel prices posted prominently on the fuel source.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Applicant must submit the following information with this form:
      Individual: Complete an accurate list of the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the proposed operation.
      Partnership: Complete an accurate list of the names and addresses of the members of the partnership.
      Corporation: Complete an accurate list of the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the corporation.
The Challis Airport Commission, within fourteen (14) days of submission of the application, shall submit its recommendation for approval or denial of the application to the City Council. The City Council, within one month of receipt of the Airport Commission's recommendation, shall either enter into a contract with the operator or deny the application.



1. See Article A of this Chapter.