In all residential districts, permanent signs shall be permitted as follows:
   (a)   General.  
      (1)   Dwelling units that are permitted in the Cluster and RMU Overlay Districts shall be deemed to be in a residential district regardless of the underlying zoning district.
      (2)   Signs that are not considered incidental signs may be illuminated by an external light source.
      (3)   Signs permitted under this section shall be twelve square feet in area or less.
      (4)   Ground signs permitted under this section shall be set back five feet from any street right of way and ten feet to an interior lot line. Additionally, such signs shall be four feet or less in height except that a ground sign located in a vision triangle of any public street intersection or intersection of a public street with a private street, alley, or driveway shall be two and one-half feet or less above curb level.
   (b)   Dwelling Units. One permanent sign shall be permitted for each dwelling unit.
      (1)   Each single family and two-family dwelling unit may display either a ground or wall sign. Such sign shall require no permit.
      (2)   Each attached single family or multi-family family dwelling unit may display a wall sign. Such sign shall require no permit.
   (c)   Residential Developments. Each residential development shall be permitted one sign located near the entrance to the development. Such sign shall be permitted only as a ground sign in single-family districts and only as a ground, wall, awning or canopy sign in multi-family districts.
   (d)   Building Signs. In multi-family developments of two or more residential buildings, each building shall be permitted one wall, awning, canopy or ground sign.
   (e)   Nonresidential Main Uses. One wall or ground sign may be permitted on the premises of a permitted nonresidential main use located in a residential district.
              (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)