All landscaping required by this Chapter 1142 shall be maintained in good condition and, when necessary, shall be replaced with landscaping comparable to the landscaping required by the approved landscape plan in accordance with the following:
   (a)   Any tree, shrub, or bush, due to its condition, shall be replaced, at a minimum, with a tree, shrub, or bush that is comparable to the type and height of the tree, shrub, or bush specified for initial planting in the approved landscape plan.
   (b)   Any request to plant or maintain landscaping that is not comparable to the landscaping required by the approved landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Administrator and approved only if such landscaping is an improvement and enhancement, as determined by the Administrator, to the originally approved plan.
   (c)   The Administrator, in considering whether or not landscaping is an improvement and enhancement, shall consider the intent of Chapter 1142, the need for a visual barrier, the intent of the original landscaping plan, the adjacent properties, the current site conditions, including soil conditions and the success of a certain species growing in the area, and any other factor deemed relevant by the Administrator.
      (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)