Maintenance facilities, sanitation facilities, storage facilities and utility uses including but not limited to electrical substations, telephone exchanges, communication related boxes and telephone terminal boxes located in any district except Industrial Districts shall be governed by the following landscaping and fencing regulations.
   (a)   Landscaping. Utility uses shall be substantially screened from view by evergreen shrubbery and/or trees, as approved by the Administrator. Such landscaping shall not be required along a lot line bordering an Industrial District.
   (b)   Fencing. Utility uses shall be completely enclosed by a fence or wall not less than five feet and not more than seven feet in height. The design and construction of such fences shall be approved by the Architectural Board of Review in consideration of factors of safety and visual impact on nearby uses. For uses which do not present safety hazards, the Administrator may waive the fencing requirement.
               (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)