(a)   Perimeter Planting. A continuous landscaped strip of evergreen shrubs planted at intervals of not more than five feet on centers and at initial height of at least two feet shall be provided and maintained along any side of a parking area which is located in a setback abutting a public street. The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit alternative forms of planting if it determines that the required planting is either infeasible or not in keeping with an area's character.
   (b)   Interior Landscaping. Any single parking area with fifty or more spaces shall utilize at least five percent (5%) of its area for landscaping designed to interrupt the expanse of paved surface. In Attached Single Family, Multi-Family, Residential Mixed Use, and Retirement Living Residential Districts, landscaped islands shall be provided so that no row of parking exceeds eight spaces in length. (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)