The following uses, as permitted in Section 1137.02, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the additional regulations set forth below.
   (a)   Restaurants (and other establishments engaged primarily in the sale of food in a ready-to-consume state).
      (1)   Outdoor service shall be limited to seating areas which are not located in setbacks.
      (2)   Direct service to customers in automobiles or other vehicles shall not be permitted.
      (3)   Restaurants which engage in the sale of food in a ready-to-consume state, but to be consumed off the premises, shall not be permitted.
      (4)   Carry-out food service shall only be permitted as an incidental use to restaurants and other establishments engaged primarily in the sale of food in a ready-to-consume state on the premises, and which otherwise comply with the requirements of this Planning and Zoning Code.
   (b)   Drive-In Facilities. Drive-in banking facilities and similar facilities providing direct service to customers in motor vehicles shall be, planned, designed and constructed so that all vehicle stacking is contained on the lot.
   (c)   Processing, Production, Repair. Processing, production and repair, such as baking, dry cleaning, photographic processing and appliance repair shall be permitted for uses in a Retail Business District only if the majority of such activity conducted at an establishment represents work generated through customer contacts, primarily walk-in contacts, made at that location rather than at retail outlets located elsewhere.
   (d)   Emergency Services. In order not to interrupt the pedestrian-oriented commercial street frontage, police, fire and ambulance service uses shall be located if feasible, on streets other than Main or Franklin Streets. If located on these streets, such uses should be located on corner parcels at the intersection of public streets.
   (e)   Lawn and Garden Outdoor Sale. Outdoor sale of lawn and garden supplies and equipment is permitted provided that no goods are displayed or stored in a setback and that such operation is accessory to an immediately contiguous enclosed retail business selling such supplies and equipment located on the same lot.
   (f)   Hotels. Dwelling units in a hotel shall be limited to a maximum density of thirty units per acre and a minimum floor area of 300 square feet per unit.
   (g)   Parking Lots as Main Uses. Landscaping and screening shall be provided as required in Section 1142.06.
   (h)   Residential Uses. Residential uses shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following:
      (1)   No residential use shall occupy a ground floor space with frontage on a public street.
      (2)   Private, off-street parking must be secured to accommodate a minimum of one parking space per efficiency or one bedroom unit and two parking spaces for two or more bedroom units. The provision of such parking spaces shall not result in the reduction of the required number of parking spaces for any other permitted use.
      (3)   Minimum dwelling unit area: 500 square feet for an efficiency, 750 square feet for a one bedroom unit, and 150 square feet for each additional bedroom.
      (4)   All utility equipment and mechanical systems shall be installed so that they are shielded from public view.
      (5)   The exterior appearance of the building in which the residential use is located shall not be altered in such a manner that will detract from its commercial character.
         (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)