1119.01 DISTRICTS.
      For the purpose of this Planning and Zoning Code, and to carry out its objectives, the following classification of districts is hereby established in the Municipality:
                 Title       Abbreviation
      Conservation District         C
      Park District             P
      Institutional District         I
      Residential Districts    
         One-Family 100      R1-100
         One-Family 60      R1-60
         One-Family 50      R1-50
         One-Family Cluster      R1-C
         Two-Family         R2F
         Attached Single Family   ASF
         Multi-Family 10      RMF-10
         Multi-Family 15      RMF-15
         Retirement Living      RL
      Business Districts    
         Office Building      O
         Retail Business      R
         Central Shopping      CS
      Limited Industrial         LI
      Overlay Districts    
         Residential Mixed Use   RMU
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)