(a)    A person requesting indigent burial funds from the Village of Chagrin Falls shall complete and submit the City's Application for Indigent Burial Funds to the Chief Administrative Officer.
   (b)   The Chief Administrative Officer shall review the application and determine whether the deceased was a resident of the Village of Chagrin Falls and eligible for benefits. The Chief Administrative Officer's decision shall be final. Upon request of the Chief Administrative Officer, the applicant shall present proof of the deceased's residency, such as a driver's license, utility bills, copy of income tax returns, voter registration, or other documents or records which suggest residency in the Village of Chagrin Falls.
   (c)   If the deceased did not have assets exceeding the maximum amount approved for cremation of an indigent resident at the time of death, the Village of Chagrin Falls shall pay an amount not to exceed the maximum for cremation services to a licensed funeral home chosen by the Chief Administrative Officer or which is in possession of the deceased's remains. Payment shall be made directly to the funeral home. The amount paid shall be reduced by the amount of any Veteran's Administration or Social Security burial benefits for which the deceased is eligible or the value of the assets owned by the decedent at the time of death.
   (d)   If the deceased had assets exceeding the maximum amount approved for cremation of an indigent resident at the time of death, the deceased shall not qualify for indigent burial benefits under this policy.
   (e)    The applicant shall cooperate with the funeral home and execute all documents necessary to allow the cremation of the deceased's remains.
   (f)    A person who claims the body of an indigent for private interment or creation shall not be paid for the cost thereof by the Village of Chagrin Falls.
   (g)   The amount paid for cremation of an indigent's remains and the application form for benefits shall be periodically reviewed for compliance with the Ohio Revised Code and the prevailing cost of cremation services. The amount paid for cremation of an indigent resident may be increased by the Chief Administrative Officer without Council approval.
   (h)    In the event of a conflict of the provisions of this Policy with the sections of the Ohio Revised Code which govern indigent burial by a municipality, the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code shall control.
(Ord. 2016-77. Passed 12-12-16.)