(a)   Jury Duty. All Village employees called to jury duty are entitled to a leave of absence from their respective duties for such time as they are on jury duty but not exceeding fifteen days in any calendar year. Required jury duty beyond fifteen days shall result in the employee being on unpaid leave status.
   If an employee’s jury duty pay or compensation during such leave of absence is less than the employee’s Village pay would have been for the same period, the employee will be paid by the Village the difference in money between the Village pay and the jury duty pay for such period.
   (b)   Military Leave. All Village employees who are members of the Ohio National Guard, the Ohio State Guard, the Ohio Navy Militia, or other reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States are entitled to a leave of absence from the respective duties for such time as they are on military duty in field training or active duty for periods not exceeding thirty-one days in any calendar year.
   If an employee’s military pay or compensation during such leave of absence is less than the employee’s pay would have been for the same period, the employee will be paid by the Village the difference in money between the Village pay and military pay for such period.
   (c)   In calculating an employee’s jury duty pay or military pay, allowances for travel, food or housing shall not be considered, but any other pay or allowances of whatever nature, including longevity pay, shall be considered.
(Ord. 1996-40. Passed 7-8-96.)