Salary adjustments within an established range shall not be automatic, but shall be dependent upon formal recommendation of the Director and discretion of the Mayor. Any employee whose job performance is satisfactory may be advanced within the series of steps in his or her assigned pay range as follows:
   (a)   From Step A through advancement of Step E, employees in all ranges may be advanced to the next higher step after one year of satisfactory service at each step. The decision to award or withhold a step increase shall be based on performance. The employee shall be informed of the reasons for withholding a step increase and the improvement in performance required to obtain a satisfactory rating.
   (b)   Where an employee has received a performance evaluation indicating outstanding performance, a merit step advance over and above the step for satisfactory service may be given for such outstanding performance. A merit step advance which has been granted for outstanding performance over and above the step advance for satisfactory service shall be effective for a twelve-month period, and such employee’s pay shall be treated in accordance with such employee’s performance evaluation done at the end of such twelve-month period.
   (c)   General increases or decreases resulting from the adjustment of the basic compensation schedules shall not prevent within-range pay increases in accordance with this section.
      (Ord. 1986-65. Passed 12-22-86.)