(a)   The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police and such other positions as authorized by ordinance of Council, including:
      (1)   Full-time Regular Patrol Officers. Full-time Regular Patrol Officers shall perform all duties enjoined upon them by the laws of the State and the ordinances of this Municipality, and such duties as may be directed or designated by the Chief of Police or the Mayor.
      (2)   Part-Time Patrol Officers. Part-Time Patrol Officers shall serve at such times and perform such duties as shall be directed by the Chief of Police, and when on duty shall have the same authority as a regular patrol officer of the Department. Part-Time Patrol Officers shall not be regularly scheduled to work for more than twenty-nine (29) hours per week.
      (3)   Administrative Assistant. There is hereby created the position of Administrative Assistant who shall be appointed by the Chief of Police.
      (4)   Police Clerk. There is hereby created the part-time position of Police Clerk.
      (5)   School Guards. There is hereby created the position of School Guard. The Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee may, as deemed necessary, appoint persons to serve as School Guards, which School Guards may be removed from that position at any time for any reason. Persons appointed as School Guards shall perform their duties under the control and direction of the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee, shall work the hours designated by either of these individuals on each day that school is in session and shall perform their services in such manner as the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee may direct.
      (6)   Parking Enforcement Official. There is hereby created the position of Parking Enforcement Official, who shall serve as a member of the Parking Enforcement Unit of the Police Department. The responsibilities of Parking Enforcement Official and the Parking Enforcement Unit are more fully described in Section 129.10 of this chapter.
      (7)   Officer in Charge. The Chief of Police shall designate an Officer in Charge of the Department during the absence, disability or incapacity of the Chief. In the absence, disability or incapacity of the Chief where no Officer in Charge has been designated by the Chief, the Mayor may designate an Officer in Charge or an acting Chief of Police.
      (8)   Police Auxiliary. The Chief of Police may, as deemed necessary, appoint persons to serve as non-sworn Auxiliary Officers. Persons appointed as Auxiliary Officers serve on a volunteer basis and provide support to sworn law enforcement officers. The supporting roles of Auxiliary Officers may include traffic control, unarmed security duty and other activities that may lawfully be performed by civilians.
      (9)    Police Officer. There is hereby created the position of Police Officer who is not considered to be a Regular Patrol Officer who may perform other duties including, but not limited to, acting as a School Safety Officer.
   (b)   All Full-Time Regular Patrol Officers and all Police Officers shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by Council. All other positions shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor, except as otherwise indicated herein.
(Ord. 2015-21. Passed 7-27-15; Ord. 2023-78. Passed 12-11-23.)