Pursuant to Article VI, Section 2, of the Charter, the Chief Administrative Officer shall be the head of the Department of Public Service and shall have the following duties:
   (a)    Manage, conduct and supervise all operations of the municipally-owned utilities.
   (b)    Make investigations and analyses of finances of the municipally-owned utilities and make recommendations to Council and the Mayor concerning all charges and rates to be made for services rendered and all extensions and curtailments of service.
   (c)    Make investigations and recommendations to Council and the Mayor concerning all new construction, maintenance and replacement of existing facilities and equipment and planning of future operations of the municipally-owned utilities.
   (d)    Be responsible for the construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of all public streets and alleys, public buildings, drains, ditches, storm sewer facilities, parks, playgrounds, public cemeteries and public places.
      (Ord. 2017-55. Passed 9-11-17.)
   (e)    Make investigations and recommendations to the Mayor and Council concerning bids for public contracts.
   (f)    Supervise the lighting, sprinkling and cleaning of public streets and places.
   (g)   Be the Building Inspector of the Municipality and be charged with the duties of issuing building permits and enforcing the Zoning and Building Codes.
   (h)   Act as the purchasing agent for the Municipality and have such powers and duties in connection therewith as prescribed by Council.
   (i)    Have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by ordinance of Council.
      (Ord.1963-559. Passed 2-25-63.)