Any person who is denied a registration certificate by the Chief Administrative Officer, or any person whose registration certificate is revoked, may, within ten days from and after such denial or revocation, appeal from the decision of the Chief Administrative Officer to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Clerk of Council, who shall report the filing of such appeal and transmit all papers so filed to the Board of Zoning Appeals at its next regular meeting. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall, within sixty days, take evidence and testimony from the appellant, the Chief Administrative Officer and any other person having knowledge of relevant facts. The Board of Zoning Appeals, at the conclusion of such hearing, shall sustain, reverse or modify the decision of the Chief Administrative Officer, and shall state such conclusions of fact for the record as the basis of its decision. Such decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be final.
(Ord. 2006-48. Passed 7-24-06.)