a.   The agenda for regular Council meetings of Council shall be set by the presiding officer conducting the meeting.
      b.   The agenda shall be created by the Clerk of Council, at the direction of the President of Council, and Mayor, and distributed to the Mayor, Council, Chief Administrative Officer, and Law Director, along with any new legislation on the Friday preceding the regular meeting of Council.
      c.   Members of the public wishing to speak to agenda items must advise the Clerk of Council of their intent to do so by noon on the day of the Council Meeting.
      d.   Members of the public shall be permitted to speak to any matter not to exceed five (5) minutes.
      e.   Reports of the Mayor, Finance Director, Law Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Village Engineer, Police Chief and Fire Chief shall be presented at regular meetings of Council unless excused by the presiding officer.
      a.   Upon the direction of the President of Council or the Mayor, an agenda for any special meeting of Council shall be set and delivered to all officials required to receive agendas for regular meetings of Council, and as soon as possible before any emergency meeting of Council.
      Agenda for Chagrin Falls Council Meetings
      Date / Regular, Special or Adjourned Meeting / Time
      1.   Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
      2.   Roll Call (action concerning absentees)
      3.   Reading and Disposal of Minutes
      4.   Administrative Reports
         a.   Mayor's Report
         b.   Finance Director's Report
         c.   Law Director's Report
         d.   Chief Administrative Officer's Report
         e.   Engineer's Report
         f.   Police Chief's Report
         g.   Fire Chief's Report
      5.   Council Reports
         a.   Council Committee Reports
         b.   Commission Reports
      6.   Presentations to Council (when applicable)
      7.   Public Hearings (when applicable)
      8.   Members of the Public to Speak to Agenda Items (not to exceed five (5) minutes per speaker)
      9.   Legislative Docket
      10.   Members of the Public to Speak to Any Matters (not to exceed five (5) minutes per speaker)
      11.   Miscellaneous
      12.   Adjournment Time
         (Ord. 2022-04. Passed 2-14-22.)