Any owner who desires to construct or erect a satellite dish-type earth station may apply to the Administrator for the permit as required by this Chapter.
   (a)   Narrative Information.
       (1)    The applicant shall submit the permit application upon forms provided by the Administrator.
       (2)    A part-owner, occupant or renter must submit documentation of written permission from the owner of the lot, premises or parcel of land within the Village on which such construction or erected satellite station is proposed.
       (3)    The application shall indicate the owner or owners of the subject property, the occupant of the subject premises and the contractor or other person who will be permitted to construct or erect the proposed satellite dish earth station.
       (4)    The applicant shall also submit documentation demonstrating that the dish antenna must be sited in the proposed location. If the size of the proposed dish antenna is greater than one meter in residential districts and greater than two meters in nonresidential districts, documentation shall be submitted indicating that such size is technically necessary.
   (b)    Plans.
       (1)    The applicant shall submit a plot plan of the lot, premises or parcel of land, showing the exact location of the proposed earth station and the location of all buildings on the subject lot and a description of the kind of earth station dish proposed.
       (2)    In addition to all other application requirements, nonresidential applications shall include three complete sets of construction plans, specifications and elevations of the proposed location with sufficient details to show the method of assembly and construction. Each set of plans and specifications shall show the complete name and address of the subject property owner and the complete name and address of the person who prepared the plans and specifications. The Administrator may require construction plans to be certified with a Professional Engineer's stamp.
   (c)    Review. 
       (1)    The Administrator shall review the submitted application and shall note thereon whether all of the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied. The Administrator may waive any of the above requirements that he determines to be inapplicable in specific instances. The provisions of the Building and Planning and Zoning Codes, so far as they are consistent with this chapter and applicable hereto, shall also apply to the construction of an earth station, except for additional permit fees.
       (2)    Once the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied, the application shall be referred to the Architectural Review Board, which shall review the application for compliance with Chapter 1146.
         (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)