Similar Use Designations
Res. No.   Date      Description
1979-409   3-12-79   Townsend Reading and Learning Center, use similar to those permitted in Section 1139.03.
1979-410   3-12-79   Valley Art Center, use similar to those permitted in Section 1135.04.
1982-11   5-24-82   Eva’s Astrology Boutique, use similar to those permitted in Chapter 1137.
1983-2      2-28-83   Proposed use at 159 E. Washington St. similar to those permitted in Chap. 1139.
1984-3      2-27-84   Proposed use at 34 W. Washington St. similar to those authorized under Section 1123.03.
1984-17   7-9-84      Dog grooming salon as permitted use in Limited Industrial District, open only 5 days a week, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with no overnight housing of dogs or other animals.
1988-82   10-24-88   “Optometrist” as a use similar to “medical office” permitted in the Office District.
1993-22   2-22-93   Catering service as similar use to those authorized under Section 1139.02(a)(3)E. (allowed uses in Limited Industrial Zoning District).