5.13   Development Review: Submittal Requirements
   A.   General: The following general requirements shall apply:
      1.   Each development approval shall include an application provided by the City Planner with the submittal. The submittal shall also include, at minimum, six (6) full-size hard copies of all required documentation; (Ord. 17-14)
      2.   The City shall process only complete applications. The City Planner shall make determination as to completeness;
      3.   The City Planner may request additional supporting information that in his/her professional judgment is necessary to fully explain the applicant's proposal. The applicant shall supply the requested additional information;
      4.   The full application fee shall be presented to the City with the application; and
      5.   Upon request and at the discretion of the City, the applicant or property owner shall provide advance payment or reimburse the City for expenses incurred in the review of the application, including, but not limited to, fees or dues paid to external consultants or advisors. (Ord. 5-18)
   B.   Accessory Use – Major: The submittal for approval of a Major Accessory Use shall include an application form for an Accessory Use – Major/Certificate of Zoning Compliance, a Major Site Plan, related materials, and fee. The application shall include at a minimum:
      1.   Name and mailing address of the current property owner or designated agent;
      2.   Property address, parcel identification number and zoning classification of the subject property;
      3.   Description of the existing and proposed use;
      4.   Extent of any proposed interior or exterior building alterations that may be required as a result of the change in use; and,
      5.   A list of the surrounding uses and zoning classification(s).
   C.   Accessory Use – Minor: The submittal for approval of a Minor Accessory Use shall include an application form for an Accessory Use – Minor/Certificate of Zoning Compliance, a Minor Site Plan, related materials, and fee. The application shall include at a minimum:
      1.   Name and mailing address of the current property owner or designated agent;
      2.   Property address, parcel identification number and zoning classification of the subject property;
      3.   Description of the existing and proposed use;
      4.   Extent of any proposed interior or exterior building alterations that may be required as a result of the change in use; and,
      5.   A list of the surrounding uses and zoning classification(s).
   D.   Certificate of Zoning Compliance: The request of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall include the requisite application as noted in Article 5.09, Table 5-A. The application shall include at a minimum those items noted below. The City Planner, or his/her designee, may modify or add to these requirements at his/her discretion. (Ord. 17-14)
      1.   Name and mailing address of the current property owner or designated agent;
      2.   Name of applicant. If the applicant is not the owner then written consent from the owner shall be submitted;
      3.   Address, parcel identification number, and zoning classification of the subject property;
      4.   Description of the existing and proposed use;
      5.   General layout plan with existing and proposed property lines, showing all proposed property lines with typical dimensions, yards and setbacks;
      6.   Existing and proposed buildings on site with general sketch floor plans and building elevations, including square footage calculations, occupancy load or seating capacity, building height, and building material type and color;
      7.   Street and parking lot layout, including street rights-of-way, drive aisles, parking spaces, and sidewalk location;
      8.   Preliminary grading, stormwater, potable water, sanitary sewer, and landscape plans; and
      9.   List of property owners and labeling of adjacent property owners (for those applications requiring a public meeting).
   E.   Change in Use: The submittal for approval of a Change in Use shall include an application form for a Change in Use with related materials and fee. The application shall include at a minimum:
      1.   Name and address of the current property owner or designated agent;
      2.   Name of applicant. If the applicant is not the owner then written consent from the owner should be submitted;
      3.   Address, parcel identification number, and zoning classification of the subject property;
      4.   Description of the existing and proposed use;
      5.   Extent of any proposed interior or exterior building alterations that may be required as a result of the change in use; and,
      6.   A list of the surrounding uses and zoning classification(s).
   F.   Conditional Use: The submittal for approval of a Conditional Use shall include an application form for a Conditional Use with related materials and fee. The application shall include at a minimum:
      1.   Name and address of the current property owner or designated agent;
      2.   Name of applicant. If the applicant is not the owner then written consent from the owner should be submitted;
      3.   Property address, parcel identification number, and zoning classification of the subject property;
      4.   A site plan and other drawings to scale including a digital image of all plans, showing the existing and proposed use of the site, all pertinent natural and man-made features, and adjacent development character and buildings;
      5.   A statement of need for the proposed use, its location and a report identifying the effects of the proposed use on the surrounding properties and the neighborhood; and,
      6.   A plan of how the potential negative effects of the proposed use will be mitigated including traffic, parking, noise, light intrusion, solid waste storage, odor, fumes and removal.
   G.   Development Plan: The following outlines the submittal requirements for Preliminary and Final Development Plan. Relative to the approval process, each Preliminary and Final Development Plan must be approved through the same process. Preliminary and Final Development Plans shall be submitted at least eight (8) weeks prior to the meeting at which the Plan will be reviewed by Planning Commission. (Ord. 17-14, 16-16; 20-22)
      1.   Preliminary Development Plan: Application for a Preliminary Development Plan shall be provided at the time of submittal. The Preliminary Development Plan shall be comprised of the following information:
         a.   A general supporting statement. This is a narrative that explains what is being proposed and why. The narrative shall explain the development proposal in context of existing structures on the property and adjoining properties and shall provide the approximate allocation of land use by acreage and type and shall provide an estimate of the population of the project at build-out;
         b.   An existing conditions plan at a scale determined by the City Planner indicating existing topography, property boundaries, trees, structures, pavements, utilities, and the location of existing directly adjacent properties and their structures;
         c.   Proposed site plan as determined by the City Planner indicating pavement, structures, service areas, loading areas, parking circulation, trash dumpsters, setbacks, vegetation to remain, points of access, proposed grading required screens and buffers, and related site improvements. This plan shall include the location of existing contiguous properties and their structures;
         d.   Conceptual architectural design and landscape planting;
         e.   Longitudinal and transverse cross-sections through the building at its tallest point. These sections shall include contiguous property and their principal buildings to illustrate neighboring height relationships. The scale of these sections shall be determined by the City Planner;
         f.   Engineering feasibility comments, report or study from a civil engineer for water, sanitary sewer and storm water utilities, traffic flow impacts; and
         g.   All plan documents should be accompanied by digital images in a format accepted by the City Planner.
      2.   Final Development Plan: Application for a Final Development Plan shall be provided at the time of submittal. In addition to the Preliminary Development Plan requirements outlined in Section 5.13(G) above, the Final Development Plan shall include the following:
         a.   Boundaries of the tract and legal description;
         b.   Locations of buildings, streets, drives and parking areas. Locations and dimensions of rights-of-way, easements and all land to be dedicated to the City or reserved for specific uses;
         c.   Proposed building floor plans at 1/8 inch equals 1 foot;
         d.   Proposed building elevations at 1/8 inch equals 1 foot;
         e.   Proposed exterior material schedule which identifies all exterior and site structure materials and color constant with City's built character, including brick and stone;
         f.   Illustration of general architectural concepts consistent with the City's built character, such as perspective renderings and building/site cross-sections, which may be needed to explain concepts, if applicable or requested;
         g.   Location of existing trees or tree cover that will remain. Location of all individual trees on the site plan with diameters/calipers for those six inches or greater;
         h.   Location of public utility services, including storm drainage;
         i.   Indicate whether streets and utilities are to be publicly or privately owned and maintained;
         j.   The location and dimensions of rights-of-way, easements and all lands to be dedicated to the City or reserved for specific uses;
         k.   Location of proposed construction limits and areas to remain undisturbed;
         l.   Proposed landscape plan prepared by a registered landscape architect, as defined by Article 11 integrated with a grading plan, at a scale determined by the City Planner indicating existing trees to be saved, new plantings, and a schedule of plant material showing proposed sizes and quantities;
         m.   Location, dimensions, (including height, square feet and language) and elevations of all signs;
         n.   Exterior lighting plan and specifications including light color temperature, cut-off angle, distribution plan, intensity in foot-candle value within the light distribution area produced by the fixture(s) proposed, and the values of these foot-candle levels at all property lines;
         o.   Longitudinal and transverse cross-sections through the building at its tallest point. These sections shall include contiguous property and their principal buildings to illustrate neighboring height relationships. The scale of these sections shall be determined by the City Planner;
         p.   Grading plan including storm drainage plans drawn by a licensed civil engineer;
         q.   Engineering plans for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and pavements by a licensed civil engineer;
         r.   A plat of the proposed development area showing street right-of-way, subdivided and common land and easements in accordance with the requirements of the UDO which shall be in form for recording; and,
         s.   A text describing the character of the proposed development and includes standards that are supplemental to, and supportive of, the development standards contained within in the UDO and the Comprehensive Plan.
         t.   Parkland Dedication: The proprietor of each new residential development in the City, as a prerequisite to the approval of the Final Development Plan on behalf of the City, shall dedicate parkland or pay a fee in-lieu of parkland dedication to the City, in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.47.
   H.   Reserved. (Ord. 16-13)
   I.   Floodplain Permit: Application for a Floodplain Permit shall be made on forms, furnished by the City Engineer and may include, but not be limited to: site specific topographic plans drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions and elevations of the area in question; and existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities and the location of the foregoing. An approved Floodplain Permit shall be provided at the time of submittal for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance. The following information is required: (Ord. 17-14)
      1.   Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor, including basement, of all proposed structures located in special flood hazard areas where base flood elevation data are utilized;
      2.   Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any proposed structure will be flood proofed in accordance with Section 9.37 where base flood elevation data are utilized;
      3.   Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of the proposed development and certification by a registered professional engineer that the flood carrying capacity of the watercourse will not be diminished; and,
      4.   A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's 404 Permit.
   J.   Landscape Plan: A Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the City Planner for review and approval. A landscape plan may be submitted as a part of any Development Plan or Major Site plan or submitted as a Minor Site Plan. A Landscape Plan shall meet the minimum requirements of Article 9.25 of the UDO and include the following information:
      1.   A scaled plan show the placement of individual plants on a site in relation to all improvements and existing plants including a table identifying all plantings proposed to be installed.
      2.   The Project name and address,
      3.   Subdivider's contact information including name, address and telephone number,
      4.   Location me of all existing and proposed property lines,
      5.   Location and name of all existing and proposed streets (public and private),
      6.   Location of all existing and proposed utilities, both overhead and underground, and their easements,
      7.   Existing or proposed grading,
      8.   Location of all existing and proposed site improvements including, but not limited to buildings, parking lots, driveways, fences, walls, light poles, and dumpsters,
      9.   Identify all plants, fencing, walls, and mounding required by the UDO for screening purposes,
      10.   The species (common name and botanical name), location and crown spread to scale of all trees existing on the site prior to construction with a caliper of 6 inches or greater at common breast height.
      11.   Identify all existing trees to remain on the site, including a plan for how those to be retained will be preserved and if credit is to be given in-lieu of required new plantings,
      12.   Identify all existing trees proposed to be removed,
      13.   Show vehicle sight distances in accordance with Article 9.31 of the UDO,
      14.   All landscaping materials shall meet the minimum specifications and standards described in the "American Standard for Nursery Stock," 1986 or as may be amended, published by the American Association of Nurserymen, 1250 I Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20005.
   K.   Reserved. (Ord. 16-13)
   L.   Reserved. (Ord. 16-13)
   M.   Lighting Plan: A preliminary or a final Lighting Plan shall be provided at the time of submittal of any Development or Site Plan. The plan shall be submitted along with other required site information to the City Planner to coordinate review by City departments. A final Lighting Plan must be submitted to the City Planner subsequent to approval of any Development or Site Plan and prior to applying for CZC.
      1.   Scaled building plans, site plans and elevations shall be submitted showing property boundaries, building location(s), parking lot layout, driveways, pedestrian pathways, all building entrances, adjacent rights-of-way, north arrow, scale, address or legal description, and locations of all luminaries, controls, and electrical transformers.   
      2.   Cut sheets (profiles) shall be submitted for all proposed exterior luminaries and poles.
      3.   Scaled iso-foot-candle plots and/or point-by-point foot-candle layouts shall be submitted demonstrating compliance.
      4.   During the design and/or construction process after Planning Department approval, changes shall be reviewed for re-approval prior to final acceptance.
      5.   Preliminary Lighting Plans including exterior building, parking lot, and site lighting. Sample cut sheets indicating pole and luminary height, color, temperature, as well as intensity of illumination in foot-candles on a point-by-point iso-foot-candle map shall also be provided.
   N.   Sign Plan: A sign plan shall be provided at the time of the Development Plan or Site Plan submittal as may be required to assure compliance with the UDO, including Staff only review, with ability to refer to Planning Commission and Board of Architectural Review, and will include:
      1.   Name and address of the owner of the sign;
      2.   Name and address of owner or the person in possession of the premises where the sign is located or to be located;
      3.   Clear and legible drawings showing the location of the sign(s) that are subject to the permit including the sign's location with respect to existing right-of-way and property lines and all other existing signs that are on the same premises; and
      4.   Drawings showing the dimensions, supporting structure, sizes, electrical wiring and components, sign materials, and method of attachment.
   O.   Site Plan – Major: An application form shall be completed by the developer/subdivider and submitted with the Major Site Plan. The application form shall be provided by the Planning Department. The submittal requirements for a Major Site Plan include the following: (Ord. 17-14)
      1.   Name and address of current property owner or designated agent;
      2.   An accurate legal description prepared by, or certified by, a registered surveyor of the state;
      3.   A property location map showing existing property lines, easements, utilities, and street rights-of-way;
      4.   A site plan, prepared by a civil engineer, landscape architect, or architect drawn at a suitable scale not to exceed 1 inch equals 100 feet indicating use, location, and height of existing and proposed buildings and structures, including accessory buildings, structures and uses, along with notation of the development standards for building spacing, setback from property lines, and maximum building heights along with a notation of the development standards for maximum building height. The site plan should also show the location and configuration of off-street parking and loading areas, the arrangement of internal and in-out traffic movement including access roads and drives and the location of signs related to parking and traffic control;
      5.   Topographic maps with sufficient elevations to show existing and generally proposed grading contours, major vegetation features, wooded areas and existing trees over 6 inches in diameter measured at the average breast height;
      6.   Preliminary landscape plan indicating location of existing plants; proposed plantings, including planting height and caliper of proposed trees measured at the average breast height; berming configuration; and height and material of any proposed retaining or decorative wall or fence;
      7.   Elevation drawings of proposed structures, floor plans, exterior construction materials, by type and color;
      8.   Summary table showing total acres of the proposed development; number of acres devoted to each type of residential and/or non-residential use including streets (right-of-way) and open space; number of dwelling;
      9.   Buildings by type; total building square footage; and overall density (units per acre) and intensity (lot coverage);
      10.   Preliminary grading and stormwater management plan;
      11.   Other information necessary for the evaluation of existing site conditions and proposed development as deemed necessary by the City Planner and/or the Planning Commission; and
      12.   Final Grading Plan, Lighting Plan, Landscape Plan, Sign Plan and overall Site Plan shall be provided prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
   P.   Site Plan – Minor: The Minor Site Plan shall be provided at the time of submittal. An application form shall be completed by the developer or subdivider and submitted with the Minor Site Plan. The application form shall be provided by the Planning Department. Submittal requirements for a Minor Site Plan include the following:
      1.   General layout plan with existing and proposed property lines, showing all proposed property lines with typical dimensions, yards and setbacks;
      2.   Proposed and existing buildings on site with general sketch floor plans and building elevations;
      3.   Building height shown on building elevation drawings including materials by type and color;
      4.   List of property owners and labeling of adjacent property owners;
      5.   Square footage of existing and proposed buildings;
      6.   Zoning of property and existing use on site, including adjacent use and zoning;
      7.   Final grading plan, stormwater plan and landscape plan;
      8.   Street and parking lot layout, including street rights-of-way, drive aisles, parking spaces, and sidewalk location; and,
      9.   Final water and sewer plan.
   Q.   Subdivision – Major: Preliminary Plat (Ord. 16-13)
      1.   An application form shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plat maps and required supplemental information. The required fees shall be paid at the time of application submittal. The City Planner shall certify the receipt of a complete application package meeting the requirements of the Article 5.11 of the UDO.
      2.   The Preliminary Plat should be drawn on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet(s) to a scale determined by the City Planner. When more than 1 sheet is required, an index shall be incorporated into the title block. The City Planner may approve the consolidation of the submittal requirements provided the intent of this Section is met. The Preliminary Plat shall contain the following information at a minimum:
         a.   Name and address of developer, property owner or designated agent, land planner, landscape architect, engineer and/or surveyor;
         b.   Adjoining property owners, deed references and/or recorded subdivision names, recording references and adjoining property structures or as specified by the City Planner;
         c.   Vicinity map (section and range);
         d.   The ownership, acreage and boundaries of all adjacent properties to the subdivision or as specified by the City Planner. If a recorded subdivision adjoins the subject site, the subdivision name, lot numbers and recording number shall be indicated with dashed lines;
         e.   North arrow;
         f.   Title block shall be in the lower right-hand corner. The title block shall include title "Preliminary Plat", sheet title, proposed subdivision name, developer and preparer, scale of the plan, tax map and parcel numbers, sheet index, date and revisions numbered and dated;
         g.   Boundary of the proposed subdivision clearly indicated by a heavy line with bearings and distances; and,
         h.   Existing topography at two-foot intervals for slopes between 2 and 10 percent and at 10-foot intervals for slopes greater than 10 percent. Contour lines shall be indicated at least 50 feet beyond the subdivision boundary. For slopes under 2 percent, one-foot contour intervals shall be shown.
      3.   Existing Conditions Map: The Existing Conditions Map and text shall indicate the subdivision and all property within 200 feet of the subdivision or as specified by the City Planner, the following conditions depicted to scale:   
         a.   Existing generalized natural features, topographic map of existing site;
         b.   Existing zoning;
         c.   Acreage of property;
         d.   Existing utilities, including: water; sanitary sewer and stormwater facilities, (indicating approximate pipe sizes and directions of slope); underground transmission lines; electric and telephone poles; street lights; fire hydrants; landfills; and public utility easements;
         e.   Existing streets and roads, including: locations, widths and names of all streets and roads; existing easements; and streets which have been preliminarily approved or recorded but which remain unimproved shall be indicated;
         f.   Existing community facilities, including parks and recreation facilities; and
      4.   Proposed Subdivision Plan - The following proposed improvements are to be superimposed on top of the Existing Conditions Map:
         a.   Proposed generalized land use, including proposed building footprint(s);
         b.   Proposed layout of all proposed and existing lots with approximate dimensions and area in square feet (acres if lot size is greater than 100,000 square feet), section number, phase number and parcel number, building lines, lot frontages and required setbacks;
         c.   Lot numbers in numerical order throughout the entire subdivision;
         d.   The location, dimensions, use and area of all property proposed to be reserved or temporarily reserved for public use, or reserved for the use of all property owners in the subdivision and the location, dimensions and purposes of any proposed easements; and
         e.   Total number of lots, area of lots and parcels, area of public roadways, areas of public and private open space dedications, and total area of the subdivision.
      5.   Proposed Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Stormwater systems - The following improvements are to be superimposed on top of the Existing Conditions Map:
         a.   Proposed water system;
         b.   Proposed sanitary sewer system;
         c.   Proposed drainage and stormwater management systems, including: the type of structures; drainage easements; proposed changes in topography; the 100-year floodplain (floodway and floodway fringe shall be indicated separately); and
         d.   A preliminary storm drainage study including an evaluation of drainage structures and/or drainage systems, both upstream and downstream, affected by the drainage from the area covered by the Preliminary Plat, as directed by the City Engineer.
      6.   Proposed Vehicular and Pedestrian Systems - The following improvements are to be superimposed on top of the Existing Conditions Map:
         a.   Proposed streets and roads, including: widths of rights-of-way and pavements; tentative profiles of each street centerline; tentative horizontal curve data; and typical cross sections of each type of street proposed;
         b.   Proposed sidewalks and bike paths, including: locations; widths of rights-of-way; surface widths; and typical cross sections; and
         c.   Proposed locations of street trees and landscape features.
      7.   Proposed Sedimentation and Erosion Control: The following improvements are to be superimposed on top of the Existing Conditions Map:
         a.   Locations and extent of tentative erosion and sedimentation control measures; and
         b.   A preliminary grading plan for the entire area covered by the Preliminary Plat.
   R.   Subdivision – Major: Record Plat (Ord. 16-13)
      1.   An application form shall be submitted with the Record Plat maps and required supplemental information. The required fees shall be paid at the time of application submittal. The City Planner shall certify the receipt of a complete application package meeting the requirements of the Article 5.11 of the UDO.
      2.   The Record Plat should be drawn on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet(s) to a scale determined by the City Planner. When more than 1 sheet is required, an index shall be incorporated into the title block. The City Planner may approve the consolidation of the submittal requirements provided the intent of this Section is met.
      3.   Record plat shall include the subdivision design and layout in accordance with the approved Preliminary Plat or Development Plan.
      4.   Boundary Lines: All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to hundredths of a foot and bearings to half minutes. These boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field, which shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure of not to exceed one to ten thousand.
      5.   Recorded Streets: The exact location and the width along the property line of all existing recorded streets intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the tract.
      6.   Bearings: True bearings and distances to nearest established street bounds, patent or other established survey lines, or other official monuments, which monuments shall be located or accurately described on the plat. Any patent or other established survey or corporation lines shall be accurately monument-marked and located on the plat, and their names shall be lettered on them. A Closure Report shall be provided. (Ord. 5-18)
      7.   Monuments: The accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments.
      8.   Site Layout: The exact layout including:
         a.   Streets and alley lines – their names, bearings, angles of intersection and widths (including widths along the line of any obliquely-intersecting street);
         b.   The chord length of all arcs – radii, points of curvature and tangent bearings;
         c.   All easements and rights-of-way, when provided for or owned by public services (with the limitation of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat); and
         d.   All lot lines with dimensions in feet and hundredths, and with bearings and angles to degrees, minutes and seconds if other than right angles to the street and alley lines.
         e.   Lot Numbers: Lots shall be numbered in numerical order.
         f.   Property Offered for Dedication: The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivisions, with the purpose indicated thereon. All lands dedicated to public use other than streets or roads shall be marked "Dedicated to the Public". Streets and roads not dedicated shall be marked "Private Street."
         g.   Setback Lines: As shown on the preliminary plat. Side and rear setbacks marked "for reference only" do not constitute a separate covenant.
         h.   Name of Subdivision: Name of subdivision and name or number of the largest subdivision or tract of which the tract now subdivided, forms a part and section number, if part of a larger subdivision.
         i.   Adjoining Lands: Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and location and ownership of adjoining un-subdivided property.
         j.   Names of Owners: Names and addresses of the owner of record, the Subdivider, and of the engineer or surveyor.
         k.   All record plats shall include a north arrow, scale, date and title.
         l.   Owner's Certificate: A certificate by the owner of the land to the effect that he has caused said land to be platted and that he dedicates to public use the streets, parks and other lands indicated on the plat as intended for public use. This certificate shall be executed as a conveyance is executed.
         m.   Engineer's Certificate: A certificate by a registered professional engineer or surveyor to the effect that said plat was prepared by him, pursuant to an actual survey of the premises and that said plat is correct.
         n.   Construction Documents: The Record plat shall include construction drawings and specifications of improvements. This shall be a set of construction plans prepared by a registered professional engineer that shall include typical sections, plan and profile views, construction details, and estimates of quantities. A set of construction drawings and specifications for all improvements shall be provided to the City Engineer for approval including the following:
            i.   The centerline or top of curb profile of each proposed street, with tentative grades indicated;
            ii.   The cross-section of each proposed street, showing the width of pavement, the location and width of sidewalks and the location and size of the utility mains and thickness of materials specified;
            iii.   The plans and profiles of proposed sanitary sewers and storm water sewers, with grades and sizes indicated, or method of sewage or storm water disposal in lieu of sewers;
            iv.   A plan of the proposed water distribution system, showing pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants; and
            v.   A stormwater drainage plan showing all existing and proposed storm sewers, manholes, catch basins, watercourses, culverts and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes and grades, waterway openings indicated thereon. The drainage plan shall show the method to be used for the adequate disposal of all storm water, including drainage outlets, and such other data as may be required by the City Engineer and Section 9.35 of the UDO.
         o.   Performance Bond/Security for Construction: In lieu of constructing improvements, the Subdivider may apply for Record plat approval by insuring completion of the required improvements in accordance with Article 9.17A of the UDO.
         p.   Maintenance Bond: The Subdivider shall provide a Maintenance Bond in accordance with Article 9.17A of the UDO.
         q.   Inspection of Improvements: The Subdivider shall contact the City Public Works Office to schedule inspections of work performed in accordance with Article 9.17B of the UDO.
         r.   Inspection Fees: Inspection fee(s) shall be paid at the time the Record Plat original mylar is submitted to the Clerk of Council for signature to provide for inspection of the work sufficient, in the opinion of the City Engineer, to insure compliance with the plans and specifications.
         s.   Parkland Dedication: The proprietor of each new residential subdivision in the City, as a prerequisite to the approval of the Record plat thereof on behalf of the City, shall dedicate parkland or pay a fee in-lieu of parkland dedication to the City, in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.47.
   S.   Subdivision – Minor: The Minor Subdivision (lot split) shall be provided at the time of submittal. An application form shall be completed by the Subdivider and submitted with the Minor Subdivision. The application form shall be provided by the Planning Department. In order to be complete and to be accepted for review and processing, all Minor Subdivision proposals must be legible and include or comply with the following: (Ord. 16-13)
      1.   Contact information including the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the property owner;
      2.   Contact information including the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the surveyor or preparer of the Minor Subdivision;
      3.   Plans shall include a north arrow, scale, date and title.
      4.   Location information including: location map, adjacent roads, adjacent parcel ownership, proposed easements of access and other information that the City Planner may require.
      5.   Acreage of the proposed new lot and the remaining property resulting from the division of the original parcel, including existing and proposed boundaries;
      6.   All other natural and built features or conditions that, in the determination of the City Planner are directly relevant to the ability of the proposed lot(s) to be used per the regulations established by the UDO;
      7.   Existing topography shall be provided at two-foot intervals for slopes under 10 percent and 10-foot intervals for slopes greater than 10 percent or as approved by the City Planner if topographic characteristics of the site and/or adjacent properties indicates possible development constraints if subdivided;
      8.   Any and all proposed easements, reserve areas or no-build zones; and
      9.   A filing fee is filed with the City Planner for the Minor Subdivision at the time of submission.
   T.   Temporary Use: A Temporary Use application shall be provided at the time of submittal. An application for a temporary use shall be filed with the City Planner on a form prescribed by the City Planner, along with the fee for such permit and the following information: (Ord. 16-13)
      1.   A sketch plan showing the boundaries of the property;
      2.   The use of adjacent properties identified and labeled;
      3.   The location of the temporary use or structure on the property; and
      4.   Location of all existing buildings, structures, parking lots, and other physical improvement on property.
   U.   Landmarks: (Ord. 16-13)
      1.   Identification, Review and Designation of Individual Landmarks: See Section 9.45 B. of the UDO.
      2.   Procedural Requirements: All procedures for site or development plans contained in the UDO that apply to the Architectural Preservation District shall apply to all designated landmarks. In addition, when a designated landmark is located within a planned development zoning district, all review procedures contained in the UDO shall apply, except that the Board of Architectural Review shall also review the application and recommend action to the Council.   
      3.   Procedure to Designate or Rescind Landmark Status: See Section 9.45C. of the UDO.
      4.   Public Hearing Required: A Public Hearing shall be required to designate a Landmark or to rescind Landmark Status. A public hearing to amend this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with Article 5.06(C), Public Hearing for a Rezoning or Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the UDO.