9.15   Lot and Block Arrangement (Ord. 17-13)
   A.   Purpose
   The purpose of this Section is to regulate the arrangement of lots and building heights within a subdivision and to ensure that lot and height dimensions are consistent with the appropriate zoning district standards.
   B.   Lots
   All lots shall front onto a public or private road, and all lots shall conform to or exceed the requirements of the UDO and the zoning district regulations for the district in which they are located. The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of lots and lot improvements:
      1.   Block Size: The average perimeter of all blocks within a subdivision shall not exceed 1,400 feet. No block face shall have a length greater than 400 feet without a common access easement, alley or pedestrian pathway through access to another street, alley or common access easement. However, existing streets in adjacent plats, topographical conditions and the type of development may permit considerable variation in this requirement.
      2.   Block Width: Blocks shall be of sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots.
      3.    Block Length: Block lengths along major thoroughfares shall be of sufficient length to provide safe ingress and egress to the thoroughfare. Block length shall be a minimum of 500 feet and a max of 1,000 feet.
      4.   Commercial and Industrial Blocks: Blocks in commercial and industrial districts shall be of sufficient length and depth to best serve the use intended for the area. Length and depth shall be adequate to include off-street parking and delivery.
      5.   Lot Arrangement: The lot arrangement shall be such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties, for reasons of topography or other conditions, in securing building permits to build on all lots in compliance with all applicable UDO health and building regulations and in providing approved driveway access to buildings on the lots from an approved road.
      6.   Lot Dimensions: All lots shall comply with the standards of Table 9.0 for residential uses and for commercial uses.
      7.   Future Subdivision Lots: Where lots are more than double the minimum required area, Planning Commission may require that those lots be arranged so as to allow further subdivision and the opening of future streets where they would be necessary to serve potential lots, all in compliance with the UDO.
      8.   Side Lot Lines: In general, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines (or radial to curving street lines) unless a variation from this rule is approved by Planning Commission when such variance will give a better street or lot plan.
      9.   Corner Lots: Dimensions of corner lots shall be large enough to allow for the construction of buildings, observing the minimum front yard setback from both streets.
      10.   Building Setback: The building setback line shall be established from the edge of the right-of-way or the edge of an access easement. It shall be equal to the building setbacks listed in Table 9.0 as applicable.
      11.   Commercial and Mixed Uses: Depth and width of lots reserved or laid out for commercial and/or mixed use purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street parking and loading facilities required for the type of use and development contemplated.
      12.   Depth-to-Width Ratio: No lot shall have an average depth, which is more than 4.5 times its average width. However, Planning Commission or as appropriate may permit a waiver of this recommended standard, permitting the lot depth to be up to 3.5 times the average width.
      13.   Double Frontage Lots: In general, double frontage lots and reversed frontage lots should be avoided except where necessary to provide separation of residential development from traffic arterials or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or orientation, as determined by Planning Commission or City Planner as appropriate.
      14.   As to lots included in any plat approved by the Planning Commission and accepted by Council after April 1, 1960, the required depth of the front yard shall be the distance between the street right-of-way line and the setback line shown on the plat, if less than 40 feet.
      15.   As to any lots in any recorded plat which has greater restrictions than are required under this Ordinance, then these recorded restrictions shall apply and the Planning Commission shall have no authority to grant variances there from.
   C.   Subdivision of Land within Planned Development Districts
      1.   A lot that is zoned R-PD, Residential Planned Development; O-PD, Office Planned Development; B-PD, Business Planned Development; and I-PD, Industrial Planned Development may be subdivided into lots smaller than the minimum lot area requirement contained in this UDO providing that the following conditions are met:
         a.   A development plan must have been approved according to the procedure in Article 5.11 for the entire lot.
         b.   Subdivision and/or development of that lot must be in accordance with Section 5.11 of this UDO.
         c.   Refer to Section 9.13 of this UDO for additional requirements.