9.13    Required Improvements
   A.   Purpose
   The purpose of this Section is to provide site planning and design regulations for new subdivisions. Review procedures for minor and major subdivision plans and plats are found in Article 5, Section 5.11. Information required for submittal of an application is found in Section 5.13.
   B.   Streets
   The following gives the layout, right-of-way widths, improvements and minimum street grades for streets within the City.
      1.   Layout.
         a.   Street layout shall conform to the Official Thoroughfare Plan. If the plat involves a section of a street shown on the Official Thoroughfare Plan, the corresponding right-of-way must be so dedicated by the subdivider,    
         b.   Streets shall generally continue existing streets and provide ease of circulation within the plat and with adjoining plats and shall be platted with regard to topography and other existing physical features.   
         c.   Street intersections shall be at right angles to the greatest extent practical.
         d.   Cul-de-sacs streets shall not exceed 600 feet in length.
         e.   Half streets shall be accepted only when they complete an existing half street on the border of the plat.
         f.   Permanent dead end streets shall not be permitted.
         g.   Alleys may be required in commercial and industrial districts in the rear of lots fronting on thoroughfares, and in residential districts.
         h.   Easements for utilities shall be provided where needed and/or by public utility companies.
         i.   The number of intersecting streets along thoroughfares shall be held to a minimum in accordance with the Access standards, Section 9.31.
         j.   A parallel service drive, alley, or frontage road is recommended to eliminate numerous driveways from opening onto a thoroughfare.
         k.    Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed thoroughfare street (eighty-two feet to 120-feet right-of-way) the Planning Commission may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage with screen planting contained in a non-access reservation along the rear property line, loop streets, cul-de-sacs or other such treatment as may be necessary to adequately protect residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
         l.   Access to public or private streets: See 9.31 Access Control for Streets and Highways.
         m.   Collector streets for industrial subdivisions shall be planned to serve industrial areas exclusively and shall connect with arterial streets so that no industrial traffic will be directed into any residential streets. The intersections of service streets from parking areas with thoroughfare or collector streets shall not be less than 100 feet from the intersection of the thoroughfare or collector street with any other street. Streets shall be planned to be extended to the boundaries of any adjoining land planned for industry, except in cases of severe physical conditions or if the Commission finds that such extension is not in accord with the approved plan of the area.
      2.   Minimum Right-of-way Widths. The typical standards shown herein are minimum only. (Ord. 16-20)
         a.   Official Thoroughfare Plan streets: see the Official Thoroughfare Plan.
         b.   Major Thoroughfare: 120 foot right-of-way.
         c.   Minor Thoroughfare: 82-90 foot right-of-way.
         d.   Major Collector Street: 70 foot right-of-way.
         e.   Minor Collector Street: 60 foot right-of-way.
         f.   Public access or service drives: 40 foot right-of-way.
         g.   Cul-de-sacs: fifty-foot right-of-way for access and 100-foot diameter right-of-way for turn-a-rounds.
         h.   Alleys: 20 foot right-of-way.
      3.   Street Cross-Sections (Ord. 17-14)
         a.   Official Thoroughfare Plan street design and pavement width shall be based upon appropriate engineering studies.
         b.   Major Thoroughfare Cross-Section
            i.   Roadway Width: 5 lanes.
            ii.   Center Landscaped Median.
            iii.   5 foot sidewalks located on both sides of the roadway.
            iv.   Curb, gutter, and storm sewer.
         c.   Minor Thoroughfare Cross-Section
            i.   Roadway Width: 5 lanes.
            ii.   Center Landscaped Median.
            iii.   5 foot sidewalks located on both sides of the roadway.
            iv.   Curb, gutter, and storm sewer.
         d.   Major Collector Street Cross-Section
            i.   Roadway Width: 3 lanes.
            ii.   On-street parking as needed.
            iii.   Curb, gutter, and storm sewer.
            iv.   5 foot sidewalks located on both sides of roadway.
         e.   Minor Collector Street Cross-Section
            i.   Roadway Width: 2 lanes.
            ii.   On-street parking as needed.
            iii.   Curb, gutter, and storm sewer.
            iv.   5 foot sidewalks located on both sides of roadway.
         f.   Local Streets and Cul-de-sac Street Cross-Section
            i.   Roadway Width: 2 lanes; shall provide a minimum roadway width of 24 feet.
            ii.   On-street parking as needed.
            iii.   Curb, gutter, and storm sewer.
            iv.   5 foot sidewalks located on both sides of roadway.
            v.   78 foot diameter turn around area.
         g.   Public Access or Service Drives
            i.   Roadway Width: 2 lanes; shall provide a minimum roadway width of 24 feet.
            ii.   Curb, gutter, and storm sewer.
            iii.   5 foot sidewalks located on both sides of roadway.
         h.   Private Streets
            i.   Roadway Width: 2 lanes; shall provide a minimum roadway width of 24 feet.
         i.   Alleys
            i.   Roadway Width: 16 foot minimum.
      4.   Maximum Street Grades, Curves and Sight Distances.
         For specific roadway design standards see the Ohio Department of Transportation's (ODOT) Location and Design Manual: Volume 1; July, 2006 or most current version.
         a.   The grades of streets shall not exceed the following gradients except as modified by City Council as part of a Preliminary or Final Development Plan, Preliminary Subdivision or Record Plat:
            i.   Major thoroughfares: six percent.
            ii.   Minor thoroughfares: seven percent.
            iii.   Local streets and all others: eight percent. (Ord. 17-16)
         b.   Vertical street alignment for main thoroughfares shall be determined as follows: Profile grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equivalent to twenty times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet; for secondary and minor streets and alleys, fifteen times.
         c.   Horizontal curves, measured on the centerline, shall be as follows:
            i.   Thoroughfare streets: minimum of fifteen-degree curve, 385-foot radius.
            ii.   All other streets: fifty-eight degree curve, 100-foot radius. A minimum fifty-foot tangent shall be introduced between reverse curves.
         d.   Intersection site distance standards shall be as provided in Section 9.31, C of this UDO.
         e.   Private Streets. Private streets, where so designated on a plan or plat, shall meet all of the requirements of this chapter, with the exception of roadway widths.
         f.   Traffic Calming: In all cases developers/subdividers should design local streets within subdivisions to slow traffic to protect public safety. Local streets shall be designed to accommodate a maximum 25 miles per hour speed limit. Traffic calming devices shall meet the design requirements of the City Engineer.
      5.   Street Construction: Streets shall be graded to full width of the right-of-way and fully constructed with asphalt pavement or concrete pavements surfaced with asphaltic or Portland cement concrete wearing surfaces, concrete curbs and gutters with tile underdrain and porous backfill and proper storm drains and inlets. Streets shall be in conformity with the plans and specifications for street construction adopted by Council, duplicates of which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Manager and the City Engineer. (Ord. 16-13)
      6.   Submit worksheets showing that storm and sanitary pipe crossings and the design of catch basins at street low points. (Ord. 16-13)
      7.   Electric and Telephone Lines: Where it is necessary to locate electric or telephone lines in the street right-of-way, they shall be not closer less than nine feet six inches to the back of curb. (Ord. 16-13)
      8.   Street Signs: The City will erect the necessary street signs. The Subdivider shall reimburse the City for the cost thereof. (Ord. 16-13)
   C.   Bikeways and Multi-Use Trails
      1.   Layout.
         a.   Bikeway and multi-use trail layout shall conform to the Official Thoroughfare Plan. If the plat involves a section of a bikeway and multi-use trail shown on the Official Thoroughfare Plan, the corresponding right-of-way must be so dedicated by the subdivider,
      2.   Where required bikeway and multi-use trails may:
         a.   Be incorporated as a part of the roadway width
         b.   Be a separate facility having a minimum width of 8 feet
      3.   Street intersections shall be designed to accepted engineering practices
      4.   A bikeway of multi-use trail, when required as a separate facility, adjacent to a public street may be built in lieu of the required sidewalk on that side of the street.
   D.   Sidewalks
      1.   Sidewalks for Multi-Family or Non-Residential Uses
         a.   Public sidewalks shall be located within the public right-of-way adjacent to the premises. Sidewalks shall be required to be installed by the developer when:
            i.   A sidewalk is designated on the City Sidewalk Plan.
            ii.   The first, detached principal building is constructed on a premises.
         b.   A public sidewalk shall not be required with the addition of a subsequent, detached principal building on a premises, addition to an existing principal building, construction of an accessory building or the demolition of a building.
         c.   Private Walkways for Multi-Family Residential Use: Walkways shall be integrated with the overall development plan, parking lot layout and landscape plan to provide pedestrian access throughout the development and connect to any existing or required public sidewalk.
         d.   Sidewalks shall be constructed to standards and specifications as adopted by the City.
         e.   Handicapped access to sidewalks shall be provided in accordance with standards and specifications as adopted by the City.
         f.   Sidewalks in the Architectural Preservation District
            See Section 9.53, D of this UDO for additional requirements.
   Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications referred to in paragraph (B)(3) hereof. The Commission may, upon proper application by a subdivider, waive the requirement of sidewalks on both sides of the street and may order sidewalks on only one side of the street or eliminate the requirement of sidewalks throughout all or part of the plat. In acting upon an application for a waiver, the Commission shall give primary consideration to the requested waiver's effect on public safety. The Commission shall also consider any special factors existing which justify the granting of the waiver. The Commission may grant the waiver as requested or may grant such modified waiver as it deems best, giving consideration to public safety and the special factors which exist.
   E.   Water System
   Each lot shall be provided with access to the water distribution system in accordance with County Sanitary Engineering. Where, in the opinion of the City or County agency having jurisdiction, connection with the existing water system cannot be reasonably provided, then each lot must be served by an individual well or other approved system.
   F.   Sanitary Sewer
   The subdivision shall be provided with a complete sewerage system which shall connect with the nearest existing sanitary sewage system in accordance with Montgomery County or Greene County Sanitary Engineering requirements and standards. Where, in the opinion of the City or County agency having jurisdiction, connection with the existing mains cannot be reasonably provided, then proper provision shall be made for the disposal of sanitary wastes by means of septic tanks or other approved methods of disposal. 
   G.   Public Open Space
   Due consideration shall be given to the allocation of suitable areas for schools, parks, and playgrounds to be dedicated for public use or reserved by deed covenants for the use of the property owners.
   H.   Improvements
      1.   Variations
      It is the intent of this chapter to assure lot improvements which provide for:
         a.   Suitable access from an abutting street to a structure and its accessory buildings;
         b.   Immediate diversion of water away from buildings and assured disposal of water from the lot;
         c.   Adequate usable outdoor area for essential outdoor activities;
         d.   An appropriate setting for structures; and
         e.   Protection of adjacent properties from altered and/or increased flow of water.
      A variation from this chapter may be permitted by the City when an alternative method of proposed lot improvements is necessary to meet special topography or design conditions on the site and the variation attains the stated objectives contained in this section.
      2.   Supervision and Specifications
      All improvements required must be constructed under the supervision of, and meet the specifications of, the agency involved must comply with this chapter and must be approved by the City Engineer and Planning Commission.
      3.   Streets; Incorporation of Centerville Standards for Street Construction.
         a.   Curbs and gutters shall be required.
         b.   Surfacing, paving, grading and backfilling shall meet the requirements of the Centerville Standards for Street Construction, or the most current version and which is hereby incorporated and made a part of these Regulations by reference. Streets, thoroughfares and alleys shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications contained in such Standards and shall be one of the alternative types allowed by such Standards. Any existing improvements in the right-of-way which are damaged by the subdivider's work shall be restored by the subdivider to their former condition.
         c.   In any new subdivision abutting along a former Township or County road, the subdivider will be required to reconstruct the road or street to meet standards now in force.
      4.   Stormwater Drainage
      Stormwater drainage may be discharged into the natural drainage system. In general, the entire sewerage system and the disposal of sanitary and storm sewage shall be planned and built to meet the approval of the proper authorities.
      5.   Monuments
      Permanent monuments shall be accurately set and established in accordance with the minimum standards for boundary surveys provided in the Ohio Revised Code and established surveying practices. On the detailed drawings of each section, as presented to Council, the location of these monuments will be indicated by a suitable symbol and certification by a surveyor licensed in Ohio to the City that these monuments have been accurately placed.
      6.   Street Trees in the Public Right-of-Way
      If proposed, street trees in the public right-of-way shall be planted as part of the subdivision development subject to the standards located in Section 9.25 of the UDO. (Ord. 16-13)
      7.   Traffic Control Devices
         a.   All traffic control devices shall be required in accordance with the Ohio Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and shall be of a type approved by the City Engineer. Before an occupancy permit is issued for any dwelling, street signs, either permanently or for a temporary period of time, shall be required.
         b.   Any private street that is open to public traffic shall comply with the Ohio Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
      8.   Street and Walkway Lighting
      The subdivider shall be required to provide street lights installed in accordance with standards and specifications of the City Engineer and the Planning Commission in each residential subdivision. Street lights, where required, at a minimum, shall be located at each street intersection and at each entrance to a residential subdivision.
      9.   Fire Protection
      Fire hydrants with two, two and one-half inch outlets and one large pumping connection shall be provided by the subdivider in all subdivisions with public water supplies. The hydrants shall be located between property lines and curbs with all outlets facing or parallel to the street. Hydrants shall be placed at the corners of all blocks and at mid-block for blocks exceeding 800 feet in length. Hydrants shall also be required at the entrance and end of all cul-de-sacs exceeding 400 feet in length. The type of hydrant and control valves and the location of the hydrant shall be approved by the Fire Chief. The minimum size of any water line serving any hydrant shall be six inches in diameter and the same should be circulating water lines. The size and location of water lines shall be approved by the Fire Chief and by the appropriate County Sanitary Engineer for commercial and industrial subdivisions.
      10.   Fiber Optics (Ord. 16-20)
         The subdivider shall be responsible for providing a 2" minimum fiber optic conduit and pull box system as approved by the City Engineer, along all improved public streets and thoroughfares for the ability to connect to a current or future fiber optic provider.
   I.   Other Development Improvements
   Other improvements, such as retaining walls and fences, shall be provided at the purchaser's expense, as needed to handle excessive grade differences, to screen unsightly views, to provide suitable access, personal safety and usable lot areas and to protect the property. They shall be structurally sound and durable and designed to current engineering standards.
   J.   Underground Installation of Utilities in New Residential Subdivisions; Exceptions
      1.   Any other provision of these Codified Ordinances or the 2006 Residential Code of Ohio (RCO), as adopted in the Building and Housing Code, relating to subdivisions or construction to the contrary notwithstanding, within the area of any new residential plat and subdivision, all newly installed utility distribution facilities, including, but not limited to, electric, telephone, communication and community television or similar associated facilities, shall be placed and maintained underground within utility easements in the rear or side yard, or public ways. Underground placement of utilities shall not apply to the following: (Ord. 17-16)
         a.   Equipment appurtenant to utility distribution facilities, such as surface-mounted transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, switching enclosures and substations.
         b.   Poles supporting only street lights and traffic signals; police-fire call boxes; and traffic signal cantilever poles.
         c.   Electrical or communication overhead lines temporarily connected due to an emergency, but not to exceed a duration of six months.
         d.   In cases where unusual topographical conditions, such as soil, open ditches, rock formations or other physical conditions, make underground installation of such utility distribution facilities unreasonable, impracticable or uneconomical.
         e.   Service to model homes or other buildings under construction, or to other temporary structures, with less than 600 volts to ground service only, but not to exceed twelve months duration. Renewal for an additional period of six months may be granted for good cause.
         f.   Poles, above-ground wires and associated above-ground structures used for the transmission of electrical energy at voltages of 22,000 volts or more.
         g.   Additions of, or extensions to, existing above-ground utility distribution facilities.
      2.   The owner, subdivider or consumer shall furnish the necessary easements to accommodate all the utility installations required to be placed underground, shall establish the final grade before the utility company is required to install its facilities, and shall provide the trench and backfill the same for the service line extending from the utility distribution facilities to the consumer's structure.
      3.   No new residential plat or subdivision shall be approved unless such plat or subdivision complies with this section. However, if above-ground utility distribution facilities have already been constructed as of the date of the adoption of this section, based upon a previously approved preliminary plat, then the final plat shall be approved with an exception for such above-ground utility distribution facilities.
      4.   No utility company shall make or assess against an owner, subdivider or consumer an extra charge or rate for, or resulting from, the installation of the underground utility distribution facilities required by this section.
      5.   All utility distribution facilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the, 2006 Residential Code of Ohio (RCO), and the OBC Commercial Building Code the order or orders of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the Industrial Commission of Ohio, and good utility practice. Additionally, the following construction standards shall supplement or supersede the standards set forth above and shall be controlling in the event of a conflict therewith:
         a.   No blasting shall be permitted for trench excavation in the installation of underground utility distribution facilities, except by permission of the City.
         b.   Wherever possible, underground electric lines, cable television lines and telephone lines shall be located within the same trench.
         c.   Handholes or service boxes for street light services shall be located within the curb lawns between the street and property line or within easements and public ways.
      6.   All utility distribution facilities in new residential plats and subdivisions governed by these Subdivision Regulations shall be placed underground in accordance with the requirements and provisions of this section.
   K.   Rear and Side Property Line Easements (Ord. 16-20)
      Rear or Side Property Line Easements shall be a minimum width of 10 feet, five feet on each side of the rear or side property line. The Planning Commission may increase, reduce, or eliminate any portion of this requirement as a part of the subdivision or site plan review based upon the needs of the agencies requiring the easement(s).