Bureau of Fire Safety
1630.01   Establishment; supervision.
1630.02   Appointment of officer in charge.
1630.03   Duties and powers.
1630.04   Responsibilities of other departments, divisions or officers.
1630.05   Investigation of fires.
1630.06   Assistance by Law Director and Police Division.
1630.07   Records.
1630.08   Reports.
1630.09   Permits.
1630.10   Permit applications.
1630.11   Unlawful activities.
1630.12   Inspections prior to permit issuance; approval.
1630.13   Duration of permit; display.
1630.14   Hazardous materials.
1630.15   Revocation of permits.
1630.16   Permit fees.
1630.17   Liability of City.
1630.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate elevators, stairways and fire escapes - see Ohio R.C. 715.26
   Power to regulate against fires - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.08
   State Fire Marshal - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3737
   Right to examine buildings - see Ohio R.C. 3737.14
   Gasoline, oils and paint - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3741
   Fireworks - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3743; GEN. OFF. 672.10
   Division of Fire - see ADM. Ch. 240
   Fire Insurance Trust Fund; distribution of fire insurance proceeds - see ADM. 240.03
   Powers of Residential Board of Appeals re Unified Fire Code - see ADM. 288.01
   Fire lanes - see TRAF. 452.14
   Fire safety requirements - see B. & H. Ch. 1480
   Unified Fire Code - see F.P. Ch. 1610
   Fire inspections and correction of violations - see F.P. Ch. 1620
   A Bureau of Fire Safety is hereby established in and for the City. The Bureau shall operate under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Division or the officer in charge of the Washington Township Bureau of Fire Safety and shall be the same Bureau as that which has been established within the Washington Township Fire Department for that section of the City located in Washington Township and the Bureau shall operate under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department or the officer in charge of the Sugarcreek Township Fire Prevention Bureau and shall be the same Bureau as that which has been established within the Sugarcreek Township Fire Department for that section of the City located in Sugarcreek Township.
(Ord. 5-91. Passed 4-15-91; Ord. 26-06. Passed 10-16-06; Ord. 27-06. Passed 11-20-06.)
   The Chief of the Fire Division of Washington Township shall designate the officer in charge of the Washington Township Bureau of Fire Safety as the officer in charge of the Bureau of Fire Safety for that section of the City located in Washington Township and the Chief of the Fire Department of Sugarcreek Township shall designate the officer in charge of the Sugarcreek Township Fire Prevention Bureau as the officer in charge of Fire Safety for that section of the City located in Sugarcreek Township.
(Ord. 5-91. Passed 4-15-91; Ord. 26-06. Passed 10-16-06; Ord. 27-06. Passed 11-20-06.)
   (a)   It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Fire Safety of the City to enforce all laws and ordinances covering the following:
      (1)   Inspection of structures and facilities for potential fire hazards;
      (2)   Abatement of existing fire hazards;
      (3)   Investigation of the cause, origin and circumstances of fires;
      (4)   Storage, use and handling of hazardous materials;
      (5)   Regulation of the maintenance of means of egress;
      (6)   Regulation of the maintenance and acceptance tests of automatic and other private fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equipment;
      (7)   Control of the means and adequacy of exits in case of fire from factories, schools, hotels, lodging houses, hospitals, churches, halls, theaters and all other places in which persons work, meet, live or congregate;
      (8)   Educational fire prevention programs;
      (9)   Monitoring of construction, protection and occupancy features of buildings to minimize danger to life and property from fire, products of combustion or panic;
      (10)   Issuance of permits as specified in the Unified Fire Code, as adopted in Section 1610.01, and provided in Section 1630.10;
      (11)   Conducting of plan reviews of fire protection systems and associated fire and life safety systems and equipment.
   (b)   The Bureau of Fire Safety shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as are set forth in other sections of this Fire Prevention Code, in other ordinances and as may be conferred and imposed from time to time by law.
(Ord. 5-91. Passed 4-15-91.)