(a) Permitted Areas. Motor vehicles shall be permitted only in established parking areas.
(b) Reckless Operation. No person shall operate any type of vehicle in a park in such a manner as to endanger the operator or any other person or any property.
(c) Speeding. No person shall operate a vehicle in a park in excess of the posted speed limit.
(d) Parking Generally. No person shall park any vehicle in a park except in places designated by the Park Director for such purpose.
(e) Parking After Hours. No person shall park or leave a vehicle in an area of a park at a time when such area is not open to the public.
(f) Trucks and Maintenance Vehicles. No person shall drive a truck, tractor or other vehicle, which is at the time being used for the transportation of goods or materials or for maintenance purposes, over any park road or any park area without the permission of the Park Director.
(g) Driving Restrictions. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any area of a park except a gravel or macadam roadway or parking area.
(Ord. 69-75. Passed 8-18-75.)
(a) No person shall remove any property, or part thereof, which is owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the City or the Centerville-Washington Township Park District, from its location in a park, without the permission of the Park Director.
(b) No person shall write upon, cut, mutilate, deface or damage in any manner any building, equipment or other property, or part thereof, which is owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the City or the Centerville-Washington Township Park District.
(Ord. 69-75. Passed 8-18-75.)
(a) No person shall dig, move or carry away any rock, stone, sod, sand, earth, tree, wood, shrub, plant, flower or nut or other seed in a park, without the permission of the Park Director.
(b) No person shall trample upon, injure, destroy, break, cut, chop or deface in any manner any stone, tree, shrub, plant or flower in a park.
(Ord. 69-75. Passed 8-18-75.)
(a) No person shall hunt, trap or in any other way abuse, molest, injure, pursue or destroy an animal in a park, except that fishing shall be permitted as provided in Section 1062.08.
(b) No person shall move, injure or destroy any bird nest or eggs or any animal habitation in a park.
(Ord. 69-75. Passed 8-18-75.)