230.01 Purpose.
230.02 Authority of Manager.
230.03 Collective bargaining agreements.
230.04 General responsibilities of department heads.
230.05 Specific responsibilities of department heads.
230.06 Departmental rules and regulations.
230.07 Acting department heads.
230.08 Departmental divisions.
230.09 Responsibilities of division heads.
230.10 Acting division heads.
Administrative Code - see CHTR. Sec. 7.05
Interference with Council administration - see CHTR. 4.04(c)
Administration of Subdivision Regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1222
Administration of Building Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1440
Administration of Property Maintenance Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1482
City employees belonging to a collective bargaining unit recognized by the City shall be subject to the provisions of this Administration Code, except in those cases where such provisions conflict with the specific terms of the applicable union contracts.
(Ord. 41-76. Passed 8-16-76.)
Each department head shall be an officer of the City and shall perform all of the duties required of his or her office by the City Charter, this Administration Code, this Municipal Code and other ordinances of the City.
(Ord. 41-76. Passed 8-16-76.)
Each department head shall:
(a) Be immediately responsible to the Manager for the effective administration of his or her department and all activities assigned thereto;
(b) Keep informed as to the latest practices in his or her particular field and implement, with the approval of the Manager, those new practices that will be of benefit to the service and the public;
(c) Submit reports of the activities of his or her department when and as required by the Manager;
(d) Establish and maintain a system of records and reports in sufficient detail to furnish all information necessary for proper control of departmental activities and to form a basis for the reports required by the Manager;
(e) Have power, when authorized by the Manager, to appoint and remove his or her subordinates; and
(f) Be responsible for the proper custody and maintenance of all City property and equipment used in his or her department.
(Ord. 41-76. Passed 8-16-76.)